Tag: jay abraham


The Passing of Dan Kennedy

Note: Dan is still with us. See my update https://www.mrfire.com/marketing/dan-kennedy-update/

As I write this, marketing legend Dan Kennedy is in hospice. He has days to live. He may in fact be gone by the time I post this.

I am shaken. Dan has influenced me more than any other living marketer.

I have read his books, listened to his talks, devoured his newsletters, bought his courses, and more.

He has always been supportive of me.

He loved my book on P.T. Barnum, There’s A Customer Born Every Minute.He plugged it numerous times on stage, in his newsletters, and more.

He had me write about how I turned my Rolls Royce Phantom into a highly paid mastermind on wheels. He published it on the front page of his newsletter.

He interviewed me once with Jay Conrad Levinson and Jay Abraham, a humbling and joyous experience to be included with such icons.

He asked me to write the foreword to his book, No B.S. Marketing to the Affluent. I was so honored, I wrote and rewrote it until it was a masterpiece. He loved it. I was proud.

Years ago I interviewed him for my Hypnotic Gold series. It was on wealth attraction. It was one of the highlights of my career. You can listen to it here https://hypnotic-marketing-delivery.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/interviews/Dan+Kennedy.mp4

We talked about writing a book together. We kicked around ideas about events, joint ventures, hanging out, and more.

While he taught me copywriting and direct response marketing, and always reminded me to keep my eye on the bottom line, I find writing about him as he lay dying the most difficult writing of my life.

I don’t know how to process this let alone write about it.

Dan, I am forever grateful to you.

Godspeed on your next journey.

Ao Akua


PS – Read about Dan’s current state at https://dankennedytribute.com

Note: You can listen to my Hypnotic Gold interview with Dan Kennedy on wealth attraction here https://hypnotic-marketing-delivery.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/interviews/Dan+Kennedy.mp4

Note: See my update at https://www.mrfire.com/marketing/dan-kennedy-update/