Tag: Prosperity


P.T. Barnum on Attracting Money

Most people don’t know the legendary circus promoter P.T. Barnum never said “There’s a sucker born every minute.” He was more inclined to say, per the title of my book on him, There’s a customer born every minute.


Most people don’t know Barnum knew how to attract money. He was born poor, made a fortune, lost it, and attracted another one.

Most people don’t know he also gave a talk on The Art of Money Getting. It was a brilliant how-to by a man who knew the spiritual and material approach to life was the only balanced way to be happy, help others, and attract money.

Two friends of mine just released Barnum’s famous talk on audio CDs.

barnum joe audio

They are willing to give you the audios if you go to the link set up for my readers at www.ptbarnumspeaks.com/mrfire.html or click right here.

Go listen and grow rich.

Ao Akua,


PS – Top photo is of P.T. Barnum and General Tom Thumb. Barnum made the little man a multi-millionaire.

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The Polish Money Attractor

I love asking people in the countries I visit about their customs. One of my favorite questions is, “What secrets do you have for attracting money or anything else?”

In Russia I learned about Hochun, the Siberian “wish maker.” I love him as a tool for focusing on intentions. Pat O’Bryan and I released our own version of him at The Secret Russian Wish Maker.

In Poland I learned that you can attract money if you hang a painting of a Jewish man counting gold coins in your home or office.

My friend Andrzej Batko said he bought such a painting, placed it in his office, and it worked. I of course wanted one, too.

polish money attractor

We found one in Krackow. I loved it, bought it, and am having it framed right now. When my new office is completed, I’ll hang it where I can see it.

Actually, it’s now framed…

polish art framed

This raises the question: Do these items actually work?

I don’t know. But my theory is this: if it doesn’t hurt you to hang a painting or look at an image, then why not do it? When something is fun, adds to the positive energy for your desire, it has to be good.

Here’s something even more fascinating:

I met famed Polish photographer Grzegorz Syllain in Warsaw. He followed me around one day and took pictures of me shopping for cigars and clothes. His teenage daughter followed and helped.

warsaw lovers

When we stopped to have coffee, I asked his daughter what she enjoyed doing. She said painting. I then told them what I leaned about the Polish custom of having the money attractor painting. They both knew the power of the painting.

But they didn’t see what was coming next.

“When I go back to Texas and write about my painting, people will want one for their home or office, too. The thing is, I won’t have anywhere to send them to buy a painting. If you would set up a website, and your daughter would paint the art, I could direct them to you.”

His daughter loved the idea.

He loved the idea.

“If you do this, you could attract enough money for school or anything else you want.”

They nodded with excitement.

I then challenged them.

“I want you to start painting and to get the site up by the time I return to the States in three days. If you do, I’ll tell my readers about it.”

Grzegorz quickly agreed.

So did his daughter. attract money now hardcover offer“I don’t want a penny for this,” I explained. “I want to see you act on this idea. This is the secret to attracting success in life; when the idea is there, honor it and act on it.”

Sure enough, they honored their word.

Their site is now up at Polish Money Attractor Painting.

old jew

If I were you, I’d do two things right now:

1. Write down an idea you’ve had and haven’t acted on yet.

2. Act on it.


And go get your own original Polish Money Attractor Painting.

What if it works?

Ao Akua,


PS -The above photo of Nerissa and I was taken by Grzegorz in Warsaw, Poland. His site is at www.fotani.com The painting is by Grzegorz’s wife and daughter. Order it at http://www.gobeliny.com

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Attracting Money on Fox & Friends

If you missed my national television appearance on Fox & Friends yesterday, you can see it by clicking on the below image. It was a fast (four minutes) and fun show where I got to reveal a couple key points about how to Attract Money Now. Take a look:

Tip: You can see a few more minutes of the interview, not aired live but streamed on the web, by watching what FOX TV calls “After the Show” on their website at Fox News “Fox & Friends”. Or by just clicking on the below image:

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Superman's Money Attractor

Pat O’Bryan sent the following email to me today and I just had to share it with you. I’ll comment on it at the end, so don’t judge it too quickly…

From Pat:

Last night I was reading “The
Wisdom of Andrew Carnegie
as told to Napoleon Hill,”
and I noticed something –

Carnegie and Hill say to write
out your intention and put it
where you can see it – and it
can see you.

Well, they didn’t put the
“and it can see you” part
in there, but that’s because
they didn’t know about Hoshun.


Physical, visible reminders of
our intentions are important.

It’s not magic, but it is magical
the way it works – by stating
our intention and putting up
reminders we’re telling ourselves –

and the world –

that we intend to achieve that

Napoleon Hill and Andrew Carnegie
understood this decades ago, and
it’s still true today.

It’s also universal.


In Siberia, when someone has a wish, or
an intention, they use a Hoshun as a
physical, visible reminder to keep that
intention/wish in their consciousness.

You attract what you focus on –
Hoshun is a focusing tool.

And – to help you focus, when
you get your “lifetime supply”
of Hoshun intention/wish reminders,
you also get three complete
audios with all the benefits
of our Clearing Audios –

So you’ve got visual and
auditory support for making
that intention into a reality –

and making that wish
come true.

You can get your Secret
Russian Wishmaker and all
three audios right now at:


Go see what I’m saying –


Pat O’Bryan

P.S. Wish for something big.

PPS – Bigger than that!

Does Hoshun work?

Can he help you achieve your intentions?

Or is it just a bunch of nonsense?

A friend of mine wrote a book on practical psychology where he encouraged you to pretend you were Superman and then go live your day.

He said to imagine you were wearing a big “S” on your chest, under your clothes.

He writes, “Tattoo Superman on your psyche and pretend you can leap tall barriers and before long you will.”

Why would he advise people to do that?

Isn’t it nuts?

After all, Superman isn’t real!


My psychologist friend knows that when you use a device — even a fictional character — to engage your mind, you tap into powers you have but rarely use.

This is so amazing that I’m even writing a book on how role-playing and role-playing games can help you attract all your heart’s desires.

I hope you get how powerful having a fun focusing device like Hoshun can be.

I’m so impressed with this character as a method for keeping my intentions in mind, that I bought coffee mugs and T-shirts with Hoshun on them.

I even have a bright yellow messenger bag with Hoshun on it.

I have Hoshun on my frig.

I have Hoshun in my wallet.

I have Hoshun as my mobile phone’s screen saver.

Every time I look at these items, I smile, and send a message to my unconscious to attract the intention into reality.

This isn’t much different than Dr. Hew Len, my coauthor of the famous Zero Limits book, advising people to use a Ceeport sticker to clean themselves or their space of negativity.

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These mental aides work on a powerful psychological level.

Call it an improvement to Andrew Carnegie’s Money Attractor Secret.

Call it an improvement to Napoleon Hill’s Money Attractor Secret.

Call it Superman’s Money Attractor Secret.

Or —

Call it the best psychological aide for reminding yourself of your goal or intention.

Call it the coolest tool for making the Law of Attraction work for you.

And go get it at — http://secretrussianwishmaker.com

Ao Akua,


PS – When you get your own Hoshun, you’ll also get the secret link to order him on clothes, coffee mugs, messenger bags, and more. Just go to — http://secretrussianwishmaker.com

Note: The psychologist who advised pretending you are Superman (or Superwoman) is Gene Landrum (who also invented Chuck E. Cheese pizza), and his book is called The Superman Syndrome. See  http://www.genelandrum.com/superman.html

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Dr. Joe Vitale's "Attract Money Now" TV Show

You can now watch my new thirty minute TV show on how to Attract Money Now using the Law of Attraction right here. It will be airing nationwide next week. Here it is, in three parts:

Part two:

Part three:

If the above links don’t work, you can go direct to them here:

And you can still read the book Attract Money Now online for free right here. Or you can buy the beautiful hardcover printed version, which comes with a free DVD of a live presentation by me on how to use the Law of Attraction to attract money, right here.

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