Tag: Prosperity


Attract or Win a New Car?

I just received this email and wanted to share it with you —

Hey all my Friends!

Joe Vitale the author of the book Attractor Factor made a challenge to people to manifest a new car using the 5 step process he taught in his book The Attractor Factor.

My executive producer Andrew Ste. Marie (the guy that puts all the shows together) took him up on the challenge.

It is about to work!

Let me explain

After deciding to try it, he followed the five steps as told in the book Attractor Factor. The next day he heard on the radio about a contest where if you make a 15 sec commercial for Chevy that you could win a 2008 Chevy Malibu.

The next day!

So of course he took advantage of the omen and entered the contest.

Now he is one of the five finalists!

Now he needs your help to prove that the attractor factor and law of attraction work.

You can check out the video here


Then go here to vote


His video is called Eye got to tell you by Drew Ste. Marie

Vote now and tell your friends!

Prove to the world that the law of attraction works!

Have a million dollar day!

He may or may not win the car, as winning is only one way to attract a new car, but you have to admire his enthusiasm and spunk.

When I attracted my BMW Z3 Roadster back in 1999 or so, I also entered a contest where I could win a BMW Z3. I didn’t win, but it was a test to prove my faith in the process.

Instead, I ended up creating the concept of e-classes and raised enough money in one day to go buy the car.

I still have that car and still love it. It’s a marker for me, a milestone, a trophy of a change in my life. It’s no Francine, but it’s still a very cool hot rod.

The lesson: When you activate the law of attraction in your life for something specific, don’t limit the way it can manifest for you. Remain open and take every opportunity that comes your way. You never know which one will surprise you — and lead to that new car.

Yes, you may win it.

But you might also amaze yourself and everyone else by attracting it in some new way – a way that could lead to long terms profits and pleasures (such as my developing e-classes did for me).

Above all, have fun and enjoy the process.

That’s what really matters.

Ao Akua,


PS – If you want to get clear so you can attract the results you prefer, consider www.miraclescoaching.com Miracles are happening every day for people in the program. Check it out.


How to Attract Money

Say you want to attract more money.

If you’re like most people who know about the Law of Attraction or affirmations or The Secret, you state the intention “I now attract more money into my life.”

You then sit, meditate and feel the good vibes of having more money.

If you’re smart, you act on the intuitive nudges you get, too.

But — the money doesn’t come.

Why not?

Why didn’t your intention and your action and the law of attraction bring it to you?

What happened?

Most likely in your unconscious mind you have limiting beliefs such as —

  • “Money is evil.”
  • “Money will attract problems.”
  • “Money will make me a selfish person.”
  • “Wanting money is greedy.”
  • “Rich people are snobs.”

If you have one or more of those limiting beliefs within you, do you really think you’ll attract any money?

In truth, you’ll attract NOT having money.


Because your unconscious counter-intention (“Money is bad”) will veto your conscious intention (“I now attract more money into my life”).

Is it any wonder some people say the movie The Secret or the Law of Attraction doesn’t work?

Obviously, once you clear those hidden blocks/beliefs to your success, your success has nothing in the way of happening.

The roadblocks are gone.

You’re clear.

But *how* do you get clear?

After all, the unconscious limitations are UN-conscious.

So how do you find them and erase them?

I’ve been developing different ways to help myself and others get clear for years now.

And I keep looking for faster, easier ways to accomplish this.

I recently joined forces with Pat O’Bryan and together we created The Clearing Audio.

This breakthrough audio works so well that people are sending us unsolicited raving endorsements, such as —

“I just wanted to share with you since I bought the clearing audio just 48 hours ago (yes 48 hours ago) I feel more calm, less stressed about life and my business…”

That’s what John and Chystal Pate said.

“Joe, I just want you to know that I am positively stunned by the effectiveness of the Clearing Audio.  I downloaded them, dropped them on my ipod and used the binaural music track during my morning meditation,  I was not only charged with positive energy, but I had amazing and inspired new insights for product ideas, AND I had several inbound requests for big time joint ventures.  Wow.  But that’s not all.  A little later in the morning I ran it again while I was training (exercise). UNBELIEVABLE results,  more energy, more power, faster recovery.  It is my new secret weapon. You’re amazing.  Thank you!” 

That’s what Steve Little said.

But you probably should check this out for yourself. You can learn more at www.theclearingaudio.com/

Ao Akua,


PS — I want you to have all you desire. Please look at the site and see how it feels. If nothing else, the section about “How the Universe” works ought to be educational. Go see

Note: If you want a complete course in getting clear and understanding the law of attraction, check out my new audio program The Missing Secret at http://snipurl.com/missingsecret or at
www.nightingale.com/homepage.aspx?linktype=o4&org=ia28500106 (Look for The Missing Secret by Dr. Joe Vitale under “New Releases.”)


Todd's Miracle

todd-silva.jpg About ten years ago, back in my Houston daze, my guitar teacher at the time gave me a million dollar bill.

It wasn’t real, of course, but it was sure close.

I put it in my wallet and carried it with me every day for the last 3,650 days.

At Pat O’Bryan’s last Unseminar (#4), my old guitar teacher was there. When it was my turn to speak, I called him to the front of the room.

I asked him if he remembered giving me the million dollar bill.

He did.

I opened my wallet, pulled out the now well-worn bill, and handed it back to him, saying, “I made my millions. Now it’s your turn.”

I didn’t realize the emotional impact this would have on the audience until I noticed most of them were crying.

I also didn’t know that my old guitar teacher had been planning a website to help himself and others with prosperity issues. He was at Pat’s Unseminar to learn how to pull it off.

Well, my old friend’s name is Todd Silva, and his website went live today at www.GiveAwayADollarADay.com 

I urge you to visit his site, read his story, sign up for his daily reminders, and start giving away a dollar every day.

Then notice what happens.

It’s almost like playing a prank when you leave a dollar for someone to discover later. Only with this stunt the receiver and you are both delighted.

Try it and see.

Ao Akua,


PS — Todd’s a wonderful singer and guitar player and has a CD you will enjoy. Check out www.sagetone.com 


The Attract Wealth Seminar

I’ll be co-leading an Attract Wealth seminar in Austin, Texas on May 2 – 4.

Only 100 people can attend, so I thought you should be one of the first to know about it.

The event is priced very low so the people who need it can actually attend it.  🙂

Details will be on the website later, but if you want to jump on this today and get your name on the attendance list, go see —


Hope to see you there.

Ao Akua,


PS – If you’re into the law of attraction, a fan of The Secret or Zero Limits or The Attractor Factor or our Subliminal Manifestation DVDs, or you’ve listened to The Missing Secret, or if you just want to attract money or attract wealth or attract success, or if you want to clear the blocks to attracting whatever you want, you probably need to be at this event.


Variety Reports a Miracle

emvarietyvision-full-jpeg.jpg   Last night I dreamed Variety magazine published a front page news story about the success of the Expect Miracles television show. It looked a lot like this…(left click either image to enlarge it)…This is how you begin to attract miracles: Create an image to help focus your intent and burn it into your mind with love. (Note: This image is a visualization tool, not an actual printed story – not yet, anyway.)

variety-readable-jpeg.JPG  PS – Vote for Expect Miracles at www.expectmiraclestv.com