Tag: hypnotism


Imaginotions: Part Three

“Ay lat wrds?” asked the frog of the flea on his tongue.

“Let me go!”

“I canot,” slurred the frog, his tongue still out.

“I can’t say last words when I can’t believe this is really my last moment alive!”

“Beive et.”

“Then my last words are you are a fiend to eat me when you are talking to me or at least trying to!”

“Bt I m a frog n mst do wt a frog ds.”

“Then I will be a flea and hop away!”

“Gd luk!”

And the flea did muster all his strength, and courage, and will, and 0– behold!– sprung off the frog’s tongue, went high into the air, laughing a tiny little flea laugh as he did so, surprising even himself.

“Well, I’ll be,” said the frog, able to speak clearly with his tongue back in his mouth. “I didn’t know that was possible.”

“Anything is possible when your life’s on the line!” explained the flea, more to himself than to the frog, exited to still be alive, as he disappeared into the weeds, exhilarated by his newly awakened powers.

The frog was left to wonder what else is possible.

The flea knew anything is possible.

And you?

Ao Akua,


PS – You know what this means.

Newest book!

Newest book!


Your Secret Desire

Elsie Lincoln Benedict – the forgotten wonder woman of self-help who I wrote about here on my February 15, 2015 blog post – taught me something profound.

Book from 1921

Book from 1921

I was reading her 1921 book, How to Unlock Your Subconscious Mind (sometimes called Mental Analysis: How to Unlock Your Subconscious Mind) when I came across this insight in the final chapter:

Indight from Elsie

Insight from Elsie

“Whatever your conscious mind affirms, visualizes and suggests to the subconscious, the subconscious will build into your life.”

For you and I today, that’s probably not news. But in 1921, it was a breakthrough new concept.

It basically said that you could choose what you want with your conscious mind, and with intention and imagery, you could get it into the subconscious, where it would take seed and begin to grow.

Why is this so important?

Because Elsie said something else right before revealing that concept that was even more insightful, and something so profound that I had to reread it a few times.

Elsie wrote –

“This newest, hitherto unpublished and most far-reaching of all the discoveries concerning the laws of human life is that every human being GETS his supreme subconscious wish.”

In short, there is a type of prime directive in your subconscious mind.

It is the secret guiding desire for your life.

You may not know what it is, but your subconscious is attracting into your life everything to make it real.

What you are getting right now is a match to the secret desire of your subconscious – your “supreme subconscious wish.”

In my own work, I talk a lot about counter-intentions.

A counter-intention is a hidden belief in contrast to what you consciously say you want.

You might consciously say you want a new job, but unconsciously believe you won’t get one due to the economy (or some other excuse/reason/belief), and your unconscious, being more powerful, will make the counter-intention come true.

Ad for free lectures circa 1920

Ad for free lectures circa 1917

Elsie would probably agree but her deeper insight is that the subconscious has one major intention and it will allow nothing to come about to contradict it.

Elsie explains –

“Let us repeat: Your supreme subconscious wish dictates your life. It permits nothing seriously to interfere with its materialization. It is automatic, implacable. What you want most of all, as a condition in your life, it will get for you.”

Now think about this.

If your conscious intent is to attract more money – for yourself or others or causes you believe in – but your secret subconscious wish is to avoid money so you consider yourself “spiritual,” then your subconscious mind will make sure that you get your chief hidden intention — and stay broke.

Your subconscious secret desire will win.

It’s the same scenario with anything you can name.

Want a relationship but secretly want to stay alone because it feels safer?

Then nothing you do will work because the secret intent of your subconscious will control the outcome. You will be alone but “safe.”

Want better health but secretly want to stay ill so you can avoid taking actions and risks in the world?

Then your overriding subconscious desire will make sure you stay ill. You will be sick but “risk free.”

Elsie goes on to explain that your secret desire is for a feeling or condition, not anything specific. She says –

“Our supreme subconscious wish is never for any specific thing or person but for a condition, a certain avenue of self-expression.”

Elsie’s insight, offered in 1921, is a mind opener.

Elsie Lincoln Benedict

Elsie Lincoln Benedict

Here’s why –

First, realizing you have a secret subconscious “prime directive” helps explain why you are attracting what you have in your life: your subconscious insists on it.

Second, realizing you can change your subconscious secret desire to something else – with your conscious mind affirming and visualizing a new outcome – is enlightening and empowering.

Once again, Elsie has rocked my world.

I trust you see the power of these insights from our dear woman of the 1920s.

But here’s a suggestion –

You can sit and reflect on what your subconscious might want for you, which will help explain what you are attracting into your life.

You can then use your conscious mind to offer new instructions to your subconscious, reprogramming it to help you attract more of what you consciously prefer.

Got it?

Elsie was pointing the way to the hidden operations in our mind, long before positive psychology and neuroscience came into play.

Thank you, Elsie.

I love you.

Ao Akua,


PS – Unraveling your own beliefs can be tricky, since you are the one wrapped up inside of them. The fastest way to expand your mind is with the help of your own Miracles Coach. Check out Miracles Coaching.

Member BBB 2003 - 2015

Member BBB 2003 - 2015


Invoking Divinity

At my recent presentation at Sundance in Utah, I invited everyone to think of a problem that they wish would go away — a nagging one that seemed to stick no matter what — one that they never even tell anyone about because it hurts so much…

I wanted them to feel the block — whether a block preventing them from attracting money, health, love, or anything else — so I could help them release it once and for all.

I then played just four of the eight tracks from the new healing album, “Invoking Divinity.”

My ninth album

My ninth album

I knew the inspired music, calming 432 Hz frequency, and clearing ho’oponopono prayers would help them melt anything in the way of their experiencing bliss right now and being free to have, do, or be virtually anything they could imagine.

Did it work?

Here’s what one person said..

“As I listened to Invoking Divinity for
the first time, in my mind I thought about
something recent that had happened to me
that was very painful emotionally.

“Each time I thought or talked about the painful
experience, I couldn’t help but cry.  Even though
I tried to let go of the emotions, it seemed like
I couldn’t.  When Joe Vitale asked me to think
about something that needed clearing, I immediately
thought of that event.

“As I listened to the first track, sure enough,
the tears streamed down my face. I felt the emotion
of the event very deeply.  Somehow, by the third track,
the pain was gone. After all this time, just sitting
and listening to your healing music soothed my pain,
and then completely healed me. As the fourth track
started, I began to have clear inspiration about what
I should do with my class (I’m an elementary school
teacher) and particularly with some of the students
that struggle for one reason or another.

“Not only did the music heal me, it opened up a portal
to inspiration for me.  I believe this shift from within
me will create miraculous positive influence on my
students and many others.  Thank you, from the bottom
of my heart, for the blessing of your healing music.
Now I have a deep desire to get the music translated
in Chinese so my Chinese-speaking family can benefit
like I did!”

Yang Yue
Huai Nan, China


“Listening to your newest album Invoking Divinity was
profound for me, thank you for healing me, thank you
for inspiring me– again.

“That was probably the best 20 minutes I could ever
spend. Moving from track to track on the CD and just
feeling my energy shift was absolutely profound. Your
music is a blessing to humanity.”

Steve Gardner

Thank you, Steve and Yang Yue.

The eight tracks (40 minutes total) on the album are a combination of subliminal and audible clearing prayers and Divine music.

All I played at the event were 20 minutes of audible sounds and prayers (just four tracks).

Imagine what all 40 minutes could do for you!

Please do yourself a favor and go discover the power of “Invoking Divinity.”

Story, photos, audio samples and more are at http://www.InvokingDivinity.com

Expect Miracles.

Ao Akua,


PS — If you want to raise your vibration, relax, clean, clear, and experience heaven, just go see http://www.InvokingDivinity.com

Member BBB 2003 -2015

Member BBB 2003 -2015