Tag: Leopard


Secret Polish Questions

I was in Warsaw and Krackow, Poland last month. I love Poland. The people are loving and generous, curious and intelligent. One of them drove me to see the Leopard sports car, a hand made limited edition roadster. (I was the first American to ever drive the car.) On the way there he asked me some terrific questions. Here are a few of them:  (Picture is from Warsaw event.)

warsaw event wide shot

Do you read magazines?

A few. In general, the most accurate news is going to be in books. Newspapers move too quickly to check all their facts. Magazines have a little more time to check sources but still aren’t perfect. Books take longer to research, so tend to be more reliable. My preference is for books.

How do you read so many books?

I do what I call intentional reading. I know what I want when I pick up a book, so sprint through it, looking for the facts and stories. Of course, I’m always looking for the book so hypnotically written that I want to read and savor every word of it.

What was the most difficult time of your life?

Being suicidal in college in the 1970s was no picnic. Being homeless right after that was no party.

What’s the best way to write a book?

I take the advice novelist John Steinbeck told radio comedian Fred Allen: Write whatever comes to mind. You can always edit, shuffle chapters, and rearrange pages later. Don’t force the flow. Honor it.

What’s your dream car?

The Bugatti Veyron. While I’m still waiting to receive my Scorpion (the hydrogen-gas hybrid super exotic car made in Texas), the dream car has to be the 1,000 hp Veyron.

What’s your favorite city in Poland?

Krackow. I felt it to be a healing environment.

How do you attract a person back who left you?

You don’t. You allow them free will. Instead, find inner peace within yourself and the person may sense it and want to be around it. If not, you’ll probably attract somebody more fitting.

Did you put 10,000 hours into learning?

Yes. I wanted to be a writer so intensely that I put myself through a disciplined self-study program that no college could ever match. I studied writing books, author biographies, and more. I did writing exercises. I prepared myself as a writer. Since the Internet is text driven, being a skilled writer positioned me for success. Put 10,000 hours into studying anything and you’ll stand out in that field.

What was the first book you ever wrote?

The first book was a novel. I wrote it in college. I don’t remember the title but I think the tag line was, “When you have no where else to go, you can always go mad.” It was never published.

Did you write anything else?

I wrote numerous things, from poems to plays, before I started writing nonfiction. I wrote a one-act play about writer William Saroyan and saw it produced in 1979. I didn’t make a dime from it, but it was homage to an author I loved and it has always been a highlight of my life.

warsaw editors

I love Poland so much I’ll be going back to it for the third time in late May, 2010. (Picture is of my editors for my books in Poland. Do we look happy or what?)

Ao Akua,


PS –  You can still read my new book, Attract Money Now, for free, by clicking on the below link:

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