By Joe Vitale 2017, Abraham, abundance, attract money, attract wealth, attractor factor, audio, Books, clearing, coaching, counter-intentions, goal setting, hooponopono, inspired action, joe vitale, law of abundance, law of attraction, loa, miracles, miracles coaching, mister fire, mr fire, new year, optimism, Prosperity, RAS, resolutions, self help, self-improvement, steps to success, success, the book The Secret, the movie The Secret, zero limits
Happy New Year!
Today is January 1, 2017.
Whether you used the Law of Attraction — or some goal-setting or self-help method — to make your 2016 great, you got through it.
We both made it here so we should stand up and do a happy dance.
I’ll pause while you do it…
And now to the million-dollar questions –
What are you going to do differently in 2017 to make it outstanding?
How will you make 2017 breathtaking and full of success?
What do you want to have, do, or be in this New Year?
Whatever you did in 2016 brought you to this moment.
Are you happy with your results?
Did you achieve all you wanted?
Probably not.
And that’s okay.
After all, as Robert Browning asked, “Ah, but a man’s reach should exceed his grasp, or what’s a heaven for?”
If you want to achieve noteworthy success in 2017, I have three suggestions:

I’m wearing a message for you
- State your intentions. Whether your intentions come from your human mind or the Divine mind, you need to start with a target. This will activate your RAS (reticular activating system), alert your connection to the “Great Something,” and rally your inner troops to march in one direction. In short, what do you want in 2017? Make a list. If you can’t think of much, or anything, make it up. Be silly. Be stupid. Be stupendous. Tip: Read my newest book The Miracle and/or The Attractor Factor.
- Get clear of counter-intentions. This is the little secret nobody talks about. I’ve created a library of books, audios, courses, and a coaching program to address this issue. In short, your intentions will bring up your negative thoughts about your intentions. I call those your counter-intentions. The faster you delete them, the faster you attract what you want. There are lots of ways to handle this issue. The most powerful is with coaching. Tip: Get into Miracles Coaching.
- Take inspired actions. You don’t need to have a year-long strategy or a step by step action plan. Nothing wrong with them and go ahead and make them if you feel so inspired. But all you need to know is the first step to take. When you take that baby step, the next step will become apparent. Tip: Take a baby step right now.
Achieving a fantastic 2017 is like planning a cross-country road trip:
- You decide where you want to go. You make a list of people and places you want to stop and visit. Your decision creates your intention.
- You take note of things that might stop your travels, from weather conditions to fuel stops. Whatever might slow you down or halt your ride is taken into consideration and handled. You clear the “road blocks” to your success.
- You take the first steps to make the trip. That might mean fueling or charging up your vehicle. Or packing a lunch. You begin now.
Making the New Year spectacular is like planning a meal with friends:
- You decide to host a dinner. Decision creates sparks of emotions and nudges you to action.
- You plan who will attend and what you will cook. If you find out you are out of certain veggies, you create a workaround. You handle the issues and adjust as you move forward.
- You take action by going to the grocery store to get your supplies, inviting your guests, and prepping the kitchen.
Now apply this simple formula to 2017:
- What do you want? Make a decision. Write it down.
- What beliefs might slow you down? Write them down. Delete them.
- What can you do right now to begin? Make a list. Do it.
Here’s wishing you a glorious and unforgettably wonderful New Year!
Expect Miracles!
Ao Akua
PS – Check out Miracles Coaching at

My latest book is a bestseller!