Tag: Secret


Why Struggle?

In 1859, Charles Darwin published On the Origin of Species, which you might say caused a stir.

But that same year saw another book published that triggered an even greater surge of interest, discussion, and awakening: Samuel Smiles’ Self-Help.

The public devoured Smiles’ book. It sold more than 200,000 copies the first year. It out sold Darwin’s book — even Darwin bought it – – and was instantly translated into other languages. It made the author a celebrity. From that point on, he was considered a type of coach to the dreamers of the world.

But Smiles was no dreamer. He was a hard working Scottish author and government reformer who believed struggle was necessary to develop character. He didn’t believe in positive thinking but in positive doing.

In his 1905 autobiography, he wrote –

“My object in writing out Self-Help, and delivering it at first in the form of lectures, and afterwards rewriting and publishing it in the form of a book, was principally to illustrate and enforce the power of George Stephenson’s great word – PERSEVERANCE.”

George Stephenson was a focused dreamer who created the world’s first public inter-city railway line to use steam locomotives. What carried Stephenson on to greatness was the word Smiles admired the most: perseverance.

According to Smiles, hard work, discipline, and focus were tickets to success. It was how you “self helped” yourself in the world.

Too many people today are afraid of work and too easily willing to quit.

I’ve learned that struggle can be not only good, but even great.

When I’m in the gym, struggling to lift heavy iron weights, it’s the struggle that builds my muscles. If I lift donuts, my muscles aren’t challenged and don’t grow.

What do you hear in your mirror?

What do you hear in your mirror?

When I was first learning how to write songs and perform my own tunes, I told my coaches not to take away my struggle. I knew that wrestling with the new skills was how my body and mind were going to create new neural pathways and lead me to my own discoveries.

But not all struggle is necessary, and may in fact be a clue to alter your course.

When I was driving across the city to run an errand, I got a flat tire. That was struggle I didn’t see in any way was helping me. So I looked at the deeper significance and decided it meant I was to skip the errand for that day.

In other words, you get signals through life to proceed, pause, or even stop.

I’ve often called it The Red Flags Theory.

When you go in the right direction, you get green lights to proceed. Things go smoothly. There’s a flow.

But when you are about to do something that is off path, you get a yellow flag. Maybe the engine light on your car comes on. It’s a signal to pause and reflect.

And when a red flag appears — like a flat tire on the way out — you have to literally stop and assess your direction.

But none of this says struggle is bad.

“Struggle” is a path to manifesting what you want.

It just depends on your mental attitude to the work at hand.

When I write blog posts like this one, I “struggle” to articulate and communicate my message. It doesn’t mean I hate the process or want to quit. It means I care and want to get this right.

It’s an acceptable struggle.

It’s simply part of my process.

In creating my seventh music album, I went through lots of struggle.

Writing, rewriting, rehearsing, tweaking, performing, takes, retakes, dubbing, over dubbing, editing, mixing, mastering and more – all could be considered “struggle.”

My 7th album

My 7th album

But it’s simply “the work” that attracted the result I intended: my seventh album, titled Reflection.

Why struggle?

It’s only struggle if you are resisting the work; if you are OK with what needs done, it’s simply process.

As I wrote on my Facebook page recently at https://www.facebook.com/drjoevitale —

“When you resist doing what you know needs done, it is difficult. Find a mental way to enjoy it, and just do it, and it is easy.”

Samuel Smiles worked hard and gave us a book that is still relevant today. I imagine he “struggled” some in writing it. He certainly struggled in getting it published, as his first books were considered failures and his most famous book, Self-Help, was rejected by the first publishers to see it — one of whom regretted it a decade later and told the author so over dinner.

Birth of all kind involves struggle.

Welcome it.

Once you accept struggle, it is no longer struggle.

As Smiles wrote in Self-Help, “Nothing that is of real worth can be achieved without courageous working.”

Now get to work.

Ao Akua,


PS – My new album on CD – complete with a beautiful printed book revealing all of the lyrics and including photos of me and the band – is at the printer right now.  It will be a limited edition collectible, because I am only printing a small quantity of 1,000 to offer to my friends (like you).  It will sell to others for $21.95 but if you go and pre-order it right now, you can have it for only $9.95 (plus shipping, of course). That’s well over half off. That’s only a dollar a song. For less than ten bucks, you can change your life through sound *and* get a collectible new album and booklet, too. Plus I will include a surprise gift when we ship the new album to you later this month. (You will love it.) May I send it to you? Just go see http://www.reflectioncd.com (There’s no struggle involved in ordering it.) 🙂

PPS – Check out Miracles Coaching to better understand and implement the ideas I express here.

Sequel to "Zero Limits" Available Now

Sequel to "Zero Limits" Available Now at Amazon


Law of Attraction Secret

According to Mitch Horowitz, in his new book, One Simple Idea: How Positive Thinking Reshaped Modern Life, the phrase “Law of Attraction” was first used in 1855 by a trance medium named Andrew Jackson Davis.

A trance medium?

That was news to me.

I have an entire library of vintage New Thought, metaphysical, and spiritual books, yet never heard of Davis.

Apparently Davis went into trances and dictated metaphysical messages. His medium side channeled a large body of work, including a six-volume set of spiritual laws called, The Great Harmonia.

In volume four, Davis used the term “Law of Attraction.” But Davis meant the law to refer to the kinds of spirits you attracted to yourself after you died and went to the other side. His term had nothing to do with the cause-and-effect law we think of today.

It was in 1892 that the law as we know it began to take shape.

Prentice Mulford, an early New Thought author, mentioned it in his famous book, Your Forces, And How to Use Them.

In 1897, Ralph Waldo Trine used the term in his classic book, In Tune with the Infinite.

And Helen Wilmans used the term in her 1899 book, Conquest of Poverty.

But the biggest push in getting “Law of Attraction” into mainstream thinking came in 1902, when William Walker Atkinson devoted an entire chapter to the subject in his book, The Law of the New Thought.

As you can see, the term has been around a long time.

Of course, the core LOA (Law of Attraction) concept of “your thoughts create reality” goes all the way back to Buddha, Jesus, and ancient cultures.

Only the phrase “Law of Attraction” is relatively new – at least from 1855, if Mitch Horowitz’s research is accurate (and I believe it is.)

Reveals History of LOA

Reveals History of LOA

All of this reading and research caused me to go back and re-read some of my favorite LOA authors, to be reminded of their stories and secrets.

One of them is Brown Landone, a prolific author who lived almost 100 years and wrote such gems as The Success Process and How to Turn Your Desires and Ideals into Realities.

In my 1927 copy of The Success Process, Landone uses chapter three to explain “The ‘Doing Process’ Which Always Succeeds.”

I smiled to see how much focus he put on taking action, one of the most overlooked steps in many modern Law of Attraction groupies.

But Landone spelled out that the kind of action you need to take is what he called “idealized doing.”

For him, you began with “vivid imagining.”

That meant using all your senses to experience the end result of what you wanted to attract.

But the next step was to envision the process of getting there.

While you may not know all the steps needed to attract or achieve a specific intention, the more you could use your senses to see the ideal action to take, the easier it would be to guarantee success.

Landone wrote –

“Your ideal of the end you desire to attain is the ‘star’ to which you should hitch your wagon of attainment. But, very much depends upon the way in which you do the hitching. Idealized doing always succeed.”

I love the fact that Law of Attraction has gone mainstream, thanks to movies and books like The Secret, and my own books such as The Attractor Factor, but I’m often dismayed that people have a superficial understanding of it.

For example, too many LOA practicioners think all they have to do is sit and visualize and what they want will “just appear.”

Well, it might just appear.

The car might appear in your driveway.

The love of your life might ring your doorbell.

But more often than not, you have to help the process along with inspired action.

Go to a car dealership.

Visit a matching service.

Do something.

Another example of an LOA fallacy is believing you get what you consciously think.

In reality, you attract what you unconsciously believe.

In other words, you can consciously believe, visualize and affirm all you want, but if you unconsciously believe something different, you won’t get your intention.

I’ve said it many times —

An unconscious counter-intention will always veto a conscious intention.

You can affirm “Money is coming to me” all day but if you unconsciously believe “Money is bad,” then you will not attract more money, or if you do, you will get rid of it fast.

Your unconscious is far more powerful than your conscious. You have to work with it to clearly and quickly manifest the results you prefer.

These points are just minor examples of the depth behind the Law of Attraction that most people aren’t at all aware of yet.

What can you do to understand LOA and use it correctly?

In my opinion, nothing is more powerful than having your own Miracles Coach.

Meanwhile, if you’ve tried to harness the Law of Attraction’s power in your own life to attract money (or anything else) and feel you’ve “failed,” then you need to see this all-new video from me http://428155.vitalesecrets.com?subid=missinglink

Expect Miracles.

Ao Akua,


PS — Some say the brief video you’ll see at this link is the most eye-opening they’ve EVER seen. Others say they just love the vest I’m wearing. http://428155.vitalesecrets.com?subid=missinglink What do you think?

Member BBB 2003 - 2015

Member BBB 2003 - 2015


The Lottery Secret

Recently, when the Mega Millions lotto was up to a staggering hundreds of millions of dollars, I sent this email to a handful of friends –

“The lottery is at over half a billion dollars. If you won it, what would you do differently?”

Two of my friends took the question for what it was: a prosperity exercise designed to reveal your true desires.

With Daniel Barrett

With Daniel Barrett

Daniel Barrett, my music producer and my coauthor of the forthcoming book, The Remembering Process, listed well over a dozen ways he would spend, give, or invest the money.

It was pretty impressive, and got me thinking about my own list.

With Lori Anderson

With Lori Anderson

Lori Anderson, another dear friend who supports me in all my endeavors, author of the new book, Divorce with Grace, listed her number one desire: to have her own television talk show.

She, also, got me thinking.

Their serious answers made me reflect on how I would act if I won the Mega Millions lotto, too.

What would I do differently?

Or what else would I do, with hundreds of millions of dollars to spare?

So I made my own list, which was eye-opening. (Apparently there are more music albums and more books in me.)

What about you?

Making a list of what you would do with that much money can be revealing, but it’s only the first step.

Note: Many people claim to have a system to help you win the lottery. Here’s one I have heard of (but not tried): http://outrageous.hooke1.hop.clickbank.net

The second part of the exercise is to ask yourself what you can do right now, even if baby steps, to move toward creating your desires.

It’s not about the lotto. Virtually everyone dreams of winning it, but almost none are prepared for it. You have to grow into handling that much more money. For many, it is too much, too soon.

But you can use the prosperity exercise of pretending you won to –

  • Reveal your true calling, life mission, or heart’s desire.
  • Reveal what actions you can take right now, in whatever small way you can, without more money.

Again, most people need to grow into having more money.

I’ve landed some pretty big publishing, speaking, and consulting deals. But had that money come when I was homeless or in poverty, or still struggling on a limited income, I would not have been able to handle the wealth.

I had to dissolve inner limiting beliefs about money, success, self-worth, and more to allow more money to come into my life.

This is why so many lotto winners lose their money. They aren’t ready for it.

Again, I invite you to use the fantasy of the lotto win to reveal your true desires, and then to nudge you to look in the mirror and ask what you can do right now to make your dreams come true.

And don’t deceive yourself into thinking you would just blow the money on cars and furs and travel and such. You can play with the kid’s view of money — “I’d buy a house full of candy!” – but you want to go deeper.

After you buy the new cars and the big houses and the world cruises and all the toys, wine and cheese that you want; and after you pay off all your debt and give money to family and friends and causes you believe in; what would you then do?

This is what “The Lottery Secret” is all about.

Face it —

You don’t need more money.

You need clarity and action.



That’s it!

With those, the money (or whatever may actually help you achieve your desire) will show up.

But you have to start the ball moving with clarity and action.

And you can begin right now by playing “The Lottery Secret” prosperity game.

So here’s the question again…

“The lottery is at over half a billion dollars. If you won it, what would you do differently?”


Ao Akua


PS – If you need help exploring money as a spiritual self-help tool, and clearing yourself of limiting beliefs so you can accept more good in your life, consider The Secret to Attracting Money complete bestselling audio program.

PSS – Again, a system that claims to help you win the lottery (which I have not tested) is here: http://outrageous.hooke1.hop.clickbank.net

Member BBB 2003 - 2015

Member BBB 2003 - 2015


The Zero Point

Recently I spent the weekend listening to The Zero Point, my newest audio program from Nightingale-Conant.

It might seem odd to hear that I listened to my own program, but you have to remember that I more or less “channel” my new programs.

I don’t use a script or read from a book.

Inspiration directs me and I just follow the lead.

Brand new!

Brand new!

The result amazes me, and makes me want to listen to my own audios to hear what I said. 🙂

For example, The Zero Point reveals — for the first time anywhere –The Law of Zero.

It also explains how to send requests to the Divine but also, more importantly, how to receive inspiration.

And there are great processes, like meeting Morrnah — the founder of modern ho’oponopono (as described in my books Zero Limits and At Zero: The Final Secret to Zero Limits) — and having her speak to you directly.

I also reveal the three levels of mind.


The guidebook that comes with this new program contains new clearing tools, images to use, and more.

Complete audio program!

Complete audio program!

Plus there are relaxation exercises, original healing music by Guitar Monk Mathew Dixon and myself, even two songs written and performed by me (off my Strut! album).

The Zero Point represents my latest, most advanced, most current, and most profound spiritual work ever.

It goes beyond the Law of Attraction, the Law of Creation, the Law of Right Acton, and even goes beyond ho’oponopono.

It’s designed to lead you to an awakening.

I loved hearing the program, and think you will, too.

Please check it out right here.

Ao Akua


PS — Here’s a brief overview of The Zero Point:

Member BBB 2003 - 2015


What's Impossible?

Buddy Estrella now believes in miracles.

On Tuesday I went to get new clothes for my Attract Money Now Live event happening this weekend. After releasing 40 pounds and putting on 15 pounds of muscle, few of my old clothes fit. It was time for a new wardrobe (and an invoice for it sent to Bill Phillips).

I headed to Capra & Cavelli in Austin. It’s a legendary clothing store. Esquire magazine voted it one of the best in the country. But I had never been in it. I went there with the intention of having someone dress me. After all, my normal dress code is T-shirt and shorts. I needed an elevated look for my event. I needed help.

Buddy believes in miracles - now

Buddy believes in miracles - now

The store I went to had nothing but conservative clothes, Fall fashions, and heavy wools. That’s not for me. I want unusual, leather, different; something to symbolize the new me. Something light and breezy so I won’t melt on stage from my adrenaline or the hot lights.

Buddy is the main sales person at the store. He instantly recognized me from my marketing materials. He even bought my first Nightingale-Conant audio program, way back in 1999, titled The Power of Outrageous Marketing. Of course, he also knew me from my role in the movie The Secret. We became fast friends.

Buddy admitted they didn’t have what I wanted in the store. He said I should consider getting custom clothes tailor made for me at some time. Of course, that would take a month. Needing something by this weekend wouldn’t cut it. He suggested I just go to a high end department store and buy something off the rack.

Since I was already in his store, I said to take my measurements and make a blazer for me. I could at least get the ball rolling and be prepared for future seminars.

After he measured me and we chose the fabric, I decided to question Buddy.

“How long will it take to make this blazer?’

“Four to six weeks.”

While I heard him, I didn’t accept his answer as the final one.

I then asked the daring question, “What would it take to get it done by Friday?”

“IMPOSSIBLE!” Buddy blurted out, smiling at my audacious question.

Are there really any limits?“Impossible?” I repeated.

“It’s already Tuesday and you’d need it on Friday,” he explained. “That means they’d have to make it right now and overnight it on Thursday. There’s just no way.”

Two other sales people in the store smiled and nodded their heads.

They all agreed it was impossible.

Something in me wouldn’t accept this “reality.”

I thought of actress Audrey Hepburn saying, “Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible!'”

I thought of all the books I had read that expanded my mind and urged me to question limitations, such as The Power of Impossible Thinking by Yoram (Jerry) R. Wind and Colin Cook.

I thought of my own books, and my practice of living “At Zero” by practicing ho’oponopono non-stop.

I thought of my Miracles Coaching program and how I encourage people to believe in the impossible.

I still had my intention in mind of getting new clothes for my event. I also felt very inspired to see if there were any real limits here.

Inspiration and intention are two forces to reckon with.

Buddy didn’t know what he was in for.

“Look,” I began. “I don’t live in the world of limitations. I know it may seem impossible, but would you be willing to make a call and find out for sure?”

I could see Buddy was wrestling with being polite with me. A part of him knew it was impossible to get custom made clothes in 48 hours. Another part of him didn’t want to offend the new customer before him who created books and audios that he admired.

“I’m happy to call,” he said, smiling.

He did.

As he explained the situation to the tailor on the phone, I had a feeling this just might happen. I then feared they might stiff me by adding a thousand dollars to the bill for rush delivery. I told myself I would pay it if it came to that.

Buddy got off the phone and said, “They can do it.”

“They can?” I said, laughing at the ease of making “impossible” turn into possible.

“But they want more money to do it,” he said.

I braced myself.

“How much more?”


He said it like it was a lot. Considering I was leading an event on attracting money, an extra two hundred bucks seemed like a well deserved tip to get such speedy service. I agreed to pay it.

And I’ll have the custom made leather blazer this Friday — tomorrow! — right in time for my event.

If you want to see me in it — and discover how to transcend limitations like “impossible” — either attend my event in person in Austin or sit right there and watch it live. We will stream it right from the event itself.

Just go to — Attract Money Now Live.

No excuses now.

After all, “What’s impossible?’

Ao Akua


PS — Buddy will be at the event, too. He can tell you the story of “What’s impossible?” first hand. You can sit right there and watch the event streamed to you. Get details by scrolling to near bottom of this link. Expect Miracles.

Member BBB 2003 - 2014