Tag: zero limits


Extreme Ownership

The other day I went to a local Sprint phone store to get a newer modem.

As it turned out, a miracle happened.

Since I’ve been a Sprint customer for more than ten years, I have a collection of modems that are now prehistoric. I once took a few of them to the store and the clerks took pictures of them. They had never seen the old models. They were like dinosaurs to them.

So I picked up a new and improved whiz-bang latest greatest modem and drove off.

At home, I realized that the modem didn’t have a power cord.

Apparently I had left it at the store.

Dismayed, I called the store and asked for the clerk who waited on me.

“This is Angie,” she said, brightly.

“Angie, I think I left –”

“You left the power cord here!” she interrupted, remembering me. “I forgot to put it in the box.”

I started to complain about how this would require me leaving my home again and making another drive back to the city. I wasn’t looking forward to it, as the store isn’t right around the corner. I live in the Hill Country, not the city. Plus I keep a busy schedule.

But before I could say much of anything, Angie interrupted me.

“I’ll bring it to you,” she said.

I was stunned.

I was speechless.

I was quiet for a moment while I replayed what I heard in my mind, not believing it.

“You’ll bring it to me?” I asked. “I don’t live near you, you know.”

“It’s okay,” she said. “It’s my fault and I’d be glad to drive it to you right after I get off work today.”

She did, too.

She was all smiles as she handed me the cord at my house.

“Do you live out here someplace?” I asked.

“No, but don’t think anything of it,” she said.  “It was my choice.”

Angie’s astonishing customer service and upbeat attitude got me thinking about a book one of my nephews told me about.

Extreme Ownership is a New York Times bestseller by Jocko Willink and Leif Babin.

It explains the leadership skills of the U.S. Navy Seals. It’s a well written book, with stories from the military as well as business, with principles they teach to get stellar results.

What interested me was the idea of full – or extreme – responsibility.

In my books, Zero Limits and AT Zero, I talk about total responsibility as a principle of ho’oponopono.

But Extreme Ownership strips away the spirituality and explains “extreme responsibility” as a practical tool in business and life.

I have no idea if Angie read Extreme Ownership, but her instant willingness to satisfy her customer reflected an attitude of total responsibility.

She didn’t pass the buck.

She didn’t tell me to drive back in.

She didn’t complain or blame or refrain.

She took responsibility.

She took extreme ownership.

And she has a friend, a fan, and a fanatic customer for life.

How does this apply to you?

Whenever you are about to complain that someone didn’t do something you asked for, turn it around and claim “extreme ownership” for the problem.

Look in the mirror and accept responsibility for your own lack of communicating how important the job was.

Look to yourself for your lack of leadership skills.

And then do something to correct it.

The other night I watched a brief biography of President John F. Kennedy.

When the Bay of Pigs was a disaster in 1961, and soldiers lost their lives, Kennedy went on national television and accepted total responsibility for the tragedy.

You may not be president, but you ask people to do things and they often don’t do them.

Are you going to blame them or find a way to resolve the issue?

Extreme ownership – whether taught by the U.S. Navy Seals or the practiciners of ho’oponopono – is about taking full responsibility and fixing the problem from within you.

Of course, at a certain point, you may decide to remove the people who aren’t doing what they promise, no matter how many times you explain it or in so many different ways.

That’s when you need to pull a Donald Trump and say, “You’re fired!”

But that decision only comes after exhausting your alternatives and taking extreme responsibility for the results – or lack of them.

As my new motto states, “It is what you accept.”

What are you accepting?

Ao Akua,


PS – Have you read my new book?

Member BBB 2003-2016

Member BBB 2003-2016


Answers for Preeya

Preeya, editor of Journals of the World, sent me a list of interesting questions. You can find them below, with my answers, or at her site. Enjoy!


– Knowing that every person has their own reality and that our thoughts
can shape our reality. When did this realisation come to you and how did
you manage to apply it your everyday life?

I first heard of the idea as a child in the 1960s, from reading books by Robert Collier. But I didn’t even begin to grasp the concept until I read the Seth books, by Jane Roberts, while broke and struggling as a young adult in the 1980s. And even then I didn’t fully integrate the ideas into my day to day life until decades later. Today I still need to remind myself that what I see is based on my perceptions, on my version of reality, and that everyone has their own version of reality. Reminding myself of this key concept makes life easier.

– What exactly inspires you?

I never know. Each day is different. Generally, books and ideas inspire me. But so do some people. I became a writer because of the authors who inspired me, like Jack London and Shirley Jackson. I became a musician because of singer-songwriters who inspired me, such as Neil Diamond and Rob Thomas. I became a strongman, doing feats of strength, after being inspired by people like Dennis Rogers and Iron Tamer David Whitley. I simply allow my passions to inspire me and follow them where they lead.

– Being involved in ‘The Secret’ documentary, a worldwide hit based on
the law of attraction, how did you get involved in it and what did it
mean to you to be part of such a production?

Rhonda Byrne, the producer of the movie, called me after reading my book, The Attractor Factor. She said she was making a movie and wanted me in it. I was flattered and agreed. I had no idea what I was getting into. The movie changed my life forever. I had a degree of fame as a marketer and copywriter before it, but being in the movie established me as a self-help teacher to the globe. It’s led to numerous opportunities and travels. I am forever grateful.

– The whole concept of the law of attraction is a difficult one to get
your head around for someone who is new to the topic. What message or
advice would you give to these people reading?

I’d say don’t worry about it. Over thinking the law of attraction is like over thinking the law of gravity. You simply need to know how to work with the laws. In the case of LOA, you have to remember that your unconscious beliefs are creating your reality. Learn ways to change your hidden operating beliefs and you’ll have a more fantastic life.

– You have spoken about being homeless and in poverty for many years,
and have now published a great book called ‘Attract Money Now’. But what
does money do for you?

Money does the same thing for me as it does for you: it enables you to live your dreams. I’ve written a new book, The Awakened Millionaire, which is a manifesto for people to live their life mission and to realize that money helps them fulfill their life mission. Money is simply a tool to fulfill dreams. Nothing more.

– When being introduced to the law of attraction, many of us only
believe it to be true once it has worked for us. Knowing its power, what
is the next goal you would like to achieve?

I have numerous goals. Creating a society of Awakened Millionaires is one. Ending homelessness is another. Writing new books that inspire and transform the planet is another.

Ao Akua,


Member BBB 2003 - 2016

Member BBB 2003 - 2016


Imaginotions: Part Three

“Ay lat wrds?” asked the frog of the flea on his tongue.

“Let me go!”

“I canot,” slurred the frog, his tongue still out.

“I can’t say last words when I can’t believe this is really my last moment alive!”

“Beive et.”

“Then my last words are you are a fiend to eat me when you are talking to me or at least trying to!”

“Bt I m a frog n mst do wt a frog ds.”

“Then I will be a flea and hop away!”

“Gd luk!”

And the flea did muster all his strength, and courage, and will, and 0– behold!– sprung off the frog’s tongue, went high into the air, laughing a tiny little flea laugh as he did so, surprising even himself.

“Well, I’ll be,” said the frog, able to speak clearly with his tongue back in his mouth. “I didn’t know that was possible.”

“Anything is possible when your life’s on the line!” explained the flea, more to himself than to the frog, exited to still be alive, as he disappeared into the weeds, exhilarated by his newly awakened powers.

The frog was left to wonder what else is possible.

The flea knew anything is possible.

And you?

Ao Akua,


PS – You know what this means.

Newest book!

Newest book!


Your Reality vs Mine

Being a student of psychology for decades, I’m still reading anything I can find, old or new, to help me better understand myself and others.

Most recently I devoured Sanity, Insanity, and Common Sense, a 1987 book by Rick Suarez, Roger Mills, and Darlene Stewart.

The book describes a “Psychology of Mind” that I love.

Today you can easily find books echoing the principles in Sanity, Insanity, and Common Sense but I love the original for more or less introducing the ideas to the mental health community back in the 1980s.

In short, the four key points in the book (in my own words) are these:

1. Thought shapes reality.

2. Each person lives in a separate reality.

3. There are levels of consciousness.

4. Feelings and emotions reveal the level of consciousness.

By themselves, standing stark naked on the page, they may not seem like much.

I love old books

I love old books

You may have even heard of them before.

But let’s go deeper:

1. Thought shapes reality.

You know this one. You’ve heard it from me and other authors. But to bring it alive, you have to realize that your thoughts are creating your reality right now. No matter what your explanation is for your life, it is being created mostly by thought. Yes, you have behaviors and actions, but they are first triggered by thoughts. Thought comes first. Thought shapes reality. Thought is where you change reality.

2. Each person lives in a separate reality.

This was a major a-ha insight for me. The authors prove that each person lives in a perceived reality created by their unique set of thoughts. Their perception creates their version of reality. You do it. I do it. We all do it. But virtually no one is aware that they do it. Understanding that the people you deal with aren’t thinking like you, and they in fact view the world differently than you do, explains the challenge we have in communicating with and understanding each other. You are from one planet; I am from another. Now, let’s talk. See the problem?

3. There are levels of consciousness.

More recent authors, such as the late David Hawkins, have explained that there are levels of awareness or consciousness. Lower levels are where you’ll find revenge, greed, depression. Higher levels are where you experience love, compassion, understanding. Just knowing there are levels can help you understand your life in any moment. If you are feeling down, you need to think-do-be something up the ladder of consciousness. It may be as simple as taking a nap. It may be a need for a new mental frame for what you are experiencing. The idea, of course, is to live from higher states of consciousness. You’ll be happier there. And so will everyone around you.

4. Feelings and emotions reveal the level of consciousness.

I loved this insight, as well. It makes it easier to spot your own level of consciousness. If you are in a bad mood, or feeling angry or insecure, you have dropped to a lower level. If you feel happy, loving, friendly, then you went higher. In other words, your very feelings are the indicators of your current spot on the levels of consciousness. Your thought created those feelings, but you can use the feelings/emotions to hone in on the originating thought that you might now need to change.

As Sanity, Insanity, and Common Sense explained, awareness alone is a profound tool for awakening and understanding, and for greater motivation and productivity.

Because the 1987 book was written for mental health professionals, the authors used examples from management, therapy, hospitals and other organizations to show that old ways of trying to change will always fail because they usually don’t take into account the Psychology of Mind.

Sending you love

Sending you love

What’s needed at home and at work is awareness of how thought works, how it creates separate realities in different people, how our emotions reveal our place in consciousness, and more.

One thing to keep in mind is that when you (or anyone) drops into a lower level of consciousness, the key feeling you experience is insecurity.

And when you (or anyone) feel insecure, you won’t think or act clearly.

At that point, you will be unhappy (though you may call it sad, mad, or any other word to describe it).

And this is why the book is subtitled “The Groundbreaking New Approach to Happiness.”

It’s a guide to mental health, and mental health is described as a higher consciousness state of happiness.

A few gems from the book to chew on:

“The fact is that in separate realities, everyone is right and everyone is telling the truth as they see it.”

“Stress is a byproduct of thinking; it is not inherent in situations or circumstances.”

“A reality is an apparency. It is how something appears to be.”

So, your reality is different because your thoughts are different.

And you can use your feelings to reveal your thoughts.

In other words, if you feel “low” or “off,” it simply tips your place in thought.

You’ve heard the answer before: change your thinking.

Or if you are frustrated by someone performing poorly at work or school or home, your understanding of their thought and their reality, can bring you more compassion and understanding in dealing with them.

And ultimately, throughout all this dance of partners in separate realities, we have to remind ourselves that the one who needs to change is YOU.

And me.

This is very similar to the theory explained in my bestselling book with Dr. Hew Len, Zero Limits, as well as the eye-opening sequel, AT Zero.

You are entirely responsible for what you perceive.


Because what you perceive is through your mindset.

You filter objective reality through your mindset/paradigm/beliefs and what you actually see is your own version of reality.

The thing is, your neighbor is doing the same thing.

And so is your boss.

And your spouse.

It takes understanding and compassion to guide ourselves through this maze, but the authors point out that when you lift your own mindset to higher consciousness, then you will more clearly see where others are, and you will more naturally influence them lovingly and organically.

I loved the book but am not asking you to go read it. (The book is now out of print, but you can find used copies on eBay and Amazon.)

Instead, absorb the four principles of the Psychology of Mind and note how you feel throughout the day.

Just stop and take stock.

What are you feeling?

Your feeling is an indicator of your state of consciousness, and your consciousness can be changed with a thought.

What do you think?

Ao Akua,


PS – I’ve written about these concepts in numerous places. You might want to check out The Awakening Course.

My latest book!

My latest book!


Passion Into Profit

What are the best answers to these questions –

* How do you profit from your passion?

* How do you follow your soul and make a good living?

* How do you erase all beliefs of lack and limitation?

Lori Anderson loves it too!

Lori Anderson loves my new book too!

The answers are inside my magnum opus, which is hitting bookstores today.

I am so happy and giddy about it that I can barely type.


New book hitting stores today

New book hitting stores today!

Because this is THE book you will want to go get right now to understand how to profit from your life mission.

It is a fiery manifesto designed to shake, stir and awaken you – and I mean AWAKEN you.

The Awakened Millionaire is a practical manifesto guiding you to new dimensions of personal wealth, spiritual growth, and as a result, global transformation.

Mary Rose loves it too!

Mary Rose Lam loves it too!

It’s about discovering your own unique purpose, and following it to make a difference in your own life and in the lives of all you touch.

It reveals –

* What you should be doing with money, and the answer isn’t hoarding it

* Why you need to stop selling what you have and start sharing its benefits

* How to always accomplish your goals by turning failure into feedback

* Why your obstacles are your greatest assets to achievement

* Why investing in yourself means consistently changing for the better

Nerissa loves it too!

My beautiful Nerissa loves it too!

One reader wrote –

“While most consider money and spirituality a blasphemous duo, Dr. Vitale shatters these social norms and shows you the true nature of money empowered with soulful purpose. At turns inspirational, motivational, and conversational, this page-turner ultimately narrows in on practical steps anyone can use to see instantaneous results, regardless of your past failures, current financial situation, or future goals.”

You can probably feel my own passion for transforming the world with this manifesto I’ve put my heart and soul into.

I love it too!

I love it too!

You can go get The Awakened Millionaire as a printed hardcover book, or on audio (read by me), or for your Kindle reader.

Go get it at your favorite book store —

Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/The-Awakened-Millionaire-Manifesto-Spiritual/dp/1119264162

Barnes & Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-awakened-millionaire-joe-vitale/1123256119?ean=9781119264187

Books-A-Million: http://www.booksamillion.com/p/Awakened-Millionaire/Joe-Vitale/9781119264163?id=6598848647803

800-CEO-Read: https://800ceoread.com/products/awakened-millionaire-joe-vitale-english?selected=651097

iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/the-awakened-millionaire/id1097050480?mt=11

Guitar Monk Mathew Dixon loves it too!

Guitar Monk Mathew Dixon loves it too!

I’m on a mission to awaken the planet.

Together, we can do it.

Will you join me?

Ao Akua,


PS – Ask for The Awakened Millionaire wherever books are sold. Thank you. 🙂

Member BBB 2003 - 2016

Member BBB 2003 - 2016