Carol Look is an EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) practictioner who interviewed me on her radio show yesterday about how to attract abundance.
We covered the five steps in my book The Attractor Factor and had a fun time. Carol added a lot of juicy stuff and pulled some good stories out of me.
But I think the interview really got interesting when someone called in right at the end with two questions. Carol was concerned about time and asked me to answer one question. I was on a roll and devoured both questions.
One question was about how do you attract a car when you don’t care about cars, and the other was about how do you deal with a negative person in your life who just won’t go away?
The good news is you can hear the call online, or download it and listen wherever you like, all at no charge, by going to
Note: EFT is a “tapping” method for releasing blocks through a type of psychological acupuncture. Carol didn’t explain EFT in our interview but she has a wonderful book on the subject called Attracting Abundance With EFT. Get it at Amazon or from her site
I just finished reading a great book that you absolutely must have. It’s called – How to Sell at Margins Higher Than Your Competitors: Winning Every Sale at Full Price, Rate or Fee.
To show you the power of this, consider…
If two lemonade stands are side by side, what can one of them say on their sign to grab all the business?
The answer is in the book.
Or consider…
When people tell you they shop based on price, what are they actually saying?
The answer is in the book.
The book is a revised edition of an underground classic you may have heard of by Dr. Lawrence Steinmetz, called “Selling at Prices Higher Than Your Competitors.” This time around though, he’s teamed up withbestselling co-author, Bill Brooks, a leading expert on sales.
As the title implies, it’s all about finalizing deals – without cutting price – but it went way beyond my expectations. These two authors answer everything you always wanted to know about price. And it’s clearly written with easy to understand examples.
It applies to every aspect of selling, marketing, buying – I just can’t recommend it enough.
But here’s a better deal…
These authors are determined to get the book on top of the bestseller list and they’re offering a great bonus package. I’ve looked at all the material and I urge you take advantage of this great offer— today.
Ironically, the book isn’t selling for a high price. You can get it — and the bonuses — for under $50. Here’s the link where you can review the goods:
Thought: If you don’t go look at the site, why not?
In this age of intense competition, we all need to know how to sell at higher prices — even me.
That’s why I love this book.
Go for it.
My Executive Mentoring Program has become very popular. While expensive, the training people get is beyond question. It is taking them to new levels of success, where ideas become reality and potential becomes profit.
Still, some folks want more.
A few people in the mentoring program want me and my staff to give them access to my books, or software, or me.
Well, let’s look at that.
Think back for a second:
When a college student pays their tuition, do they also get their books and other materials for free?
I think not.
When someone signs up for my mentoring program, what they are paying for is mentoring.
If they want my books, or my Nightingale-Conant audio program (The Power of Outrageous Marketing), or my writing software, they should pay for them, just like anyone else.
I think people need to be clear about what they are buying. Investing in mentoring is wise. It’s one of the secrets of success. I say do it. You’ll find an application and more details at
You’ll no doubt get a freebie or two when you register, but don’t expect access to all my works, or my software, or me. Again, you’re investing in mentoring, not my product line. For that, go see
Go for it.
I’m a late bloomer when it comes to blogs but Nerissa, my love, sure isn’t. She’s had a video blog online for me for months now. She keeps putting up short clips of me doing the oddest things. See them at
Nerissa also sees that video on blogs is the next big trend. Her recent newsletter describes how some blogs are editing news video to support their perspectives. Pretty wild. In many ways, that’s all the media does anyway. See her thoughts on video blogs at
People often ask me about my writing process. They want to know how to write a business letter. Or how to write a news release. Or how to write a book. Or about creative writing software. Or even how I’m able to write so many posts in this blog when it hasn’t even been up one week yet.
How do I do it?
There are two ways of writing anything:
1. The first is when you have a clear goal and you know what you want to say. This could be a research paper for a professor or a sales letter for a new product. You know what the purpose is and you know you need to get it done. You might outline your thoughts or story board them to help you keep on track. But you pretty much know what to write.
2. Or you have no idea what to say but you’re going to explore the writing process anyway to see what comes up. Ray Bradbury, the legendary science fiction writer, got up every morning for decades and wrote a short story, never knowing what the story would be that day. Out of that process came some classics of literature, including The Martian Chronicles.
Here’s my secret: I use a combination of the above.
For example, today I had a vague feeling to share about my writing process in this blog. But I wasn’t at all sure what I would say or how it would take shape. I figured I would state my intention (to write about my writing process) but that I would also trust the actual creative process to deliver something relevant (which is what I’m doing right now, as I type these words). This post is a discovery, even to me. I’m being surprised by what I write as I write this.
Yes, there is software out there to make this easier. My own is a cool Windows based tool you should grab. The Swipe File in it — a hypnotic collection of proven words, phrases, and sentences — is priceless for improving your writing. I use it all the time.
I think most people who have a problem writing are doing one thing wrong: They are editing as they are writing. They write a few words, question them, change them, struggle with them, and finally give up, saying “Writing is hard!”
Actually, writing is easy. It’s trying to write while you’re trying to edit that is the pain. Separate that process and writing can be as much fun as any activity you can name. The rush comes from the mind, from discovering what you’ll write as you write.
I’m sure everyone has a different writing process. I’ve just given you a peek into the window at mine. Since I’ve written about 30 books and more articles than I can count, I think this process of mine is working.
So I’ll keep it.
For now.