Tag: wealth


The Awakened Millionaire

Throughout history, only a few books shook people deep enough to trigger a new direction in humankind, creating new policies, new procedures, and sometimes even war.

Thomas Paine did it.

Rachel Carson did it.

Harriet Beecher Stowe did it.

According to the New York Public Library, here are 25 other books that did it:

Triggering a Movement

Triggering a Movement

As an author, I’ve always wanted to write a book that makes a difference; one that made a measurable transformation in the world itself.

Many say I’ve accomplished that with my bestselling books, The Attractor Factor and Zero Limits.

But I’ve wanted to do even more; I’ve wanted to do something on a scale so big, it would influence millions and actually elevate the planet.

Now, at long last, as humbly as I can, I can announce my magnum opus, the inspired new book of a long career –

“The Awakened Millionaire: A Manifesto for the Spiritual Wealth Movement.”

Available April 16th

Available April 16th

Not only have I written the first manifesto to blend wealth and spirit, but I’ve created a full online training program to help people integrate the key principles in the manifesto so they can live AS Awakened Millionaires.

I’m more than excited to share this with you, and I invite you to check out both and spread the message of the new revolution:

The manifesto in print, on audio, or for your Kindle reader will be available April 16th http://www.amazon.com/Awakened-Millionaire-Manifesto-Spiritual-Movement/dp/1119264162/

The Awakened Millionaire Academy (the full online training) will be available April 3rd http://awakenedmillionaireacademy.com/

You can leap ahead and get on the early notification list right now by going to the above links.

Together, we can make a difference.

Will you join me?

Expect Miracles.

Ao Akua,


Dr. Joe Vitale

Dr. Joe Vitale

PS – I intend to help 1,000,000 people become Awakened Millionaires. Learn more at http://awakenedmillionaireacademy.com/

Member BBB 2003 - 2016

Member BBB 2003 - 2016


Wealth vs Riches

A friend said, “The richest person I know lives in a van and gives out cookies.”

I’m sure my friend was confusing riches with wealth.

As Roger Hamilton once said, “Wealth is what you have left over after you’ve lost all your money.”

In other words, riches are measurable materials like cash and assets, and wealth is the immeasurable but still real capital such as skills, relationships, wisdom, experience, education and the like.

To live in today’s world, you need both.

The man living in a van has to buy fuel; he also has to buy the ingredients to make cookies, or buy them ready to eat. He probably also has some sort of utility expenses.

He needs money, too.

A friend who volunteers a lot once said, “You need money to work for free.”

Spiritual people often deceive themselves into thinking money is bad or evil.

You can certainly use money to do bad things, but money itself is neutral.

We use it instead of swapping furs for shoes.

A wiser and more balanced approach is to make peace with money and increase your wealth.

You do both with education: inspiration and information, and rightly applied.

Years ago I created a course on just that, called “The Secret to Attracting Money.”

Entire course on attracting money

Entire course on attracting money

Despite the word ‘money’ in the title, it’s actually a spiritual and material approach to having a wholesome life.

After all, you are free to live as you please, but my experience reveals that you can be happier and healthier, and help more people and causes, when you are wealthy and rich.

Yes, you can hand out cookies, but it may be wiser to hand out cash.

I’ve given away cars, guitars, cash, and more.

I’ve helped family and friends, and complete strangers.

I’ve donated to causes and movements that help others.

I could not do any of that when I was homeless, or in poverty, or if I lived in a van giving out cookies.

“Be studious in your profession, and you will be learned. Be industrious and frugal, and you will be rich. Be sober and temperate, and you will be healthy. Be in general virtuous, and you will be happy.” Benjamin Franklin

Yes, reduce your expenses.

Yes, live within your means.

And yes, follow your dreams and fulfill your life mission and make a difference in the world.

Live with eyes and heart open, so you can experience all of life and help others, too.

If you agree, check out my course at The Secret to Attracting Money.

Wealth and Riches await.

Ao Akua,


PS – If you prefer to not spend any money at all today, you can read my book on the subject, for free, at Attract Money Now.

Member BBB 2003 - 2015

Member BBB 2003 - 2015