Tag: Movies


Your Best 2013 Goal

What would you love to see occur in 2013?

What would be cool for you to attract?

What do you really want?

Here’s your chance to help it happen.

Setting a goal “calls forth” virtually everything you need to achieve and attract that goal.

Just a few months ago I felt dead when it came to music. After recording four albums, one of them a hands down bestseller, all of them seen in Rolling Stone magazine, I didn’t feel connected to any more music. I wanted to quit.

Yet after I set a new goal, with the help of Daniel Barrett and his Rubicon artist program, new songs came forth.

A dozen of them.

Good ones.

Great ones.

Surprising ones.

Where were they before the goal?

The goal triggered the songs. The goal “called forth” the songs.

I then went into the studio — with drummer Joe Vitale, bass player Glenn Fukunaga, guitar player and producer Daniel Barrett — and created ten amazing tracks. I’m in awe of what we recorded. The soft songs were kissed by angels. The rockers raised the dead.

Recording ten tracks "called forth" by a goal

Recording ten tracks "called forth" by a goal

Yet there were no songs before the goal!

I recall having dinner with Rhonda Byrne, the person behind the hit movie The Secret. I asked her if she felt she created or attracted the movie idea. She thought for a long time and said, “I called it forth.”

With "Secret" creator Rhonda Byrne

With Secret hit movie creator Rhonda Byrne

“Calling forth” your outcome is what happens when you set a clear goal and have no attachment to how or when it arrives.

Today is your chance to “call forth” what you want for 2013.

It all begins with a clear goal.

Goals that are without desperation are easier to attract. Desperation is the energy of a negative belief pushing the goal away. You want a goal that delights you, even if you have no idea how you will attract it, or when.

Goals are how you start a fire within yourself. You might be feeling “blah” and have no desire for much of anything but living in the moment and vegging. But let an inspired idea become a goal and suddenly you ignite the pilot light in your soul. Now you have direction, purpose, and energy. The goal triggers the release of new powers, and even begins to attract opportunities and more to bring the goal into reality.

Ask, “What would be really cool to attract in this new year?’

Forget why or how. Let your unconscious mind work with “all that is” to arrange it to happen.

All you need to do today is choose your goal.

What’s yours?

Ao Akua,


PS — Happy New Year!

Member BBB 2003 - 2013

Member BBB 2003 - 2013


Secret Meeting Reveals Truth About Law of Attraction

“Can I ask you a few questions about your take on the Law of Attraction?”

I was sitting in the living room of the home of Morty Lefkoe, author, speaker, belief therapist. Morty is probably the most loving man I’ve ever met. He exudes unconditional acceptance. He radiates love. If we needed to find a living Buddha, I’d offer Morty.

He’s also brilliant. After working with and for Werner Erhard during the est days, and studying directly with Ayn Rand (author of Atlas Shrugged), he went beyond them and created his own method for exploring and releasing limiting beliefs. I know his method works. I’ve had sessions with Morty off and on for more than four years.

The Great Morty Lefkoe

The Great Morty Lefkoe

But this time I’m in his San Francisco area home, talking about whatever comes up. I find it fascinating. I wish it had all been recorded. Morty’s stories about Werner Erhard (who was best man at Morty’s wedding and developed The Hunger Project with him), and of Objectivism creator and controversial novelist Ayn Rand (who wore dollar sign jewelry and smoked cigarettes with dollar sign labels) were riveting.

But now Morty wants to know what I really think about the Law of Attraction.

“The law is real but it’s misunderstood,” I begin. “Most people have a superficial understanding of it. Most everyone thinks if they sit and visualize what they want, that it will just happen. That’s wrong. That’s magical thinking. If you have any unconscious beliefs about what you want, those unconscious beliefs will cancel your conscious visualizing. You have to get clear of your mental interference before you can attract what you focus on.”

In other words, you attract what you un-consciously believe, not what you consciously state. The Law of Attraction matches your inner expectations.

For example, if you state you want to attract money, but unconsciously feel money isn’t spiritual or you don’t deserve good things, you will not see the money ideas around you. Your blinders will prevent it. You’ll then say the Law of Attraction doesn’t work. But it is working. You’re getting what you really believe. You have to get clear of those limiting unseen beliefs first.

That made sense to Morty. He’s worked with tens of thousands of people. When they finally see the beliefs that had been operating unknown to them, they can now see opportunities that were there all along. Now attracting what they want becomes easier.

But Morty had another question.

“What about the people who say you just think it and you don’t have to do anything, that it will just appear?”

“That’s simply not true,” I reply. “I do believe that when you state an intention and you are clear of any counter intentions, that the universe seems to rearrange itself to help you attract your intention. But things don’t just appear out of nowhere. Life is a co-creation. You usually have to do something. Action is crucial. Believing you just think it and it appears is a form of self delusion and self sabotage.”

“The common idea that human beings are born to suffer is nonsense.  It is possible to fully acknowledge your pain and suffering, and then get rid of it in moments.  How?  Identify the meaning you are giving events that is causing the pain and suffering, and then dissolve the meaning, thereby dissolving the pain and suffering.” – Morty Lefkoe

Again, Morty agreed. He went on to say that he used to think the Law of Attraction was hogwash. Today he feels that you can “attract” things by allowing your mind to see opportunities and then acting on them. The more you remove any limiting beliefs that filter out what you see, the more you can see the opportunities that were probably there all along.

Still, action is needed. I said people take action or not based on their beliefs. Beliefs create reality. If people don’t have hope or faith, they won’t take action. Why would they, if they felt it wasn’t going to work out? But if they clear their doubt, their action will be natural and virtually effortless.

Morty also wanted to know what I thought about Rhonda Byrne’s statement that she never promoted her famous movie, The Secret. She simply “thought it” into success.

“I love Rhonda,” I say, and I truly do. “But she’s overlooking all the marketing she did without knowing or admitting she was doing it. For example, she had two dozen experts in her film. Almost all of them have mailing lists. I know I was the very first to promote the movie to my list. Rhonda may not have done that marketing, but she put me in that movie, and I did that marketing for her. I would never have sent my email out to promote her movie had she not told me to do so.”

Morty and I spoke a lot longer. I wish I could share it all with you. Before his beautiful wife offered us dinner, we agreed to each write a blog post about our conversation. This is mine. I haven’t seen his yet, and he hasn’t seen mine, as we are posting our articles on the same day. (This ought to be interesting.)

You can read his at http://www.mortylefkoe.com or by clicking right here.

Ao Akua,


PS – Imagine money coming to you easily…Imagine buying what you want for yourself and others…Imagine helping family, friends and causes you believe in…Imagine looking at your bank account and seeing a LOT of money there…and you’re beaming with joy and feeling happy and secure…Now make it all a reality right now by going to — http://www.moneyvibrationaudio.com/

Member BBB 2003 - 2012

Member BBB 2003 - 2012


Joe Vitale E-books for Only $3.99

Get any of my published books listed below as an e-book for only $3.99 (or less) each, thru November 2012. You can now read these books on your Kindle, iPad, or any other device or computer for e-books. Please check these out, grab the books you want, and share this post with your friends. Enjoy! Love, Joe

“The Attractor Factor”





“The Awakening Course”





“Zero Limits”


“Buying Trances”




“Hypnotic Writing”




“Your Internet Cash Machine”




“Life’s Missing Instruction Manual”




“Meet and Grow Rich”




“There’s A Customer Born Every Minute”




“The E-Code”




“Inspired Marketing”


“The Seven Lost Secrets of Success”




"Attract Money Now" 

US: http://www.amazon.com/Attract-Money-Now-ebook/dp/B0087I218G

France: http://www.amazon.fr/Attract-Money-Now-ebook/dp/B0087I218G

Germany: http://www.amazon.de/Attract-Money-Now-ebook/dp/B0087I218G

UK: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Attract-Money-Now-ebook/dp/B0087I218G

Spain: http://www.amazon.es/Attract-Money-Now-ebook/dp/B0087I218G

Italy: http://www.amazon.it/Attract-Money-Now-ebook/dp/B0087I218G

Thank you
I love you

Member BBB 2003 - 2012

Member BBB 2003 – 2012

Divine Signals

Before a recent massage session, my massage therapist (Mary Rose Lam) told me how she made a horrible mess that morning.

She accidentally spilled her blueberry smoothie all over her gray carpet.  That left a big green stain. She was frustrated but told the story with a smile. I hadn’t been feeling well and the story made me laugh out loud. It shifted my mood.

“I’m really glad you spilled that smoothie,” I told her.

“Why?” she asked, looking surprised.

“Because you just brought a lot of joy to my morning.”

She laughed, knowing her sharing the story — even though it was a disappointment to her when the event happened — was pure entertainment to both of us when she related it to me after the fact.

I then told her I had somehow caught a bug and became sick earlier in the week. I rarely get ill, but this was alarming enough to cause me to cancel appointments and consider going to the hospital.

She looked concerned until I told her the rest of the story.

“On Wednesday — which would normally have been my time in the studio — I felt the urge to play the guitar. But when I picked it up, I didn’t have any strength for it. I was too weak. I put it down. But then I noticed my Dean Martin songbook. I flipped through it and saw the song called Smile. I put it on my music stand and sang it. To my amazement, it sounded great. I then pulled out my iPhone and recorded myself singing it. I emailed the song to Daniel Barrett, my music producer, and he said we should record it.”

I went on and explained that my new album, The Healing Song, is essentially done. We had just recorded ten songs and felt it was complete. Adding this new song would get it in under the wire, but that’s cutting it close. Yet I suspected and felt that I got sick to slow me down, so I could allow this new song to be noticed, and then added to my album. It would add something mystical and very different to the tracks. I felt the song was being pushed into my awareness by something greater than me.

What was pushing it into my awareness? We’ll look at that in a moment. Meanwhile…

My massage therapist was in awe.

“Every little thing is a miracle to you,” she said. “Even when you’re sick, you are led to a song that is going to transform your new album. You’re just so in the flow.”

She got me thinking.

Her spilling her blueberry smoothie seemed like it was “bad” to her, but the story an hour later made me laugh so hard I almost cried.

And my getting sick earlier in the week seemed “bad” to me, but it led to my discovering a song I am adding to my new album.

Well, what’s really bad then?

I’m sure you can come up with a list of things that most people would agree is bad, but what about these little snags and stumbles in your life?

Is getting sick bad?

Is spilling a smoothie bad?

Perhaps they’re all just miracles.

(Or am I “bad” in suggesting so?)

While you’re thinking, let me continue the story…

That Wednesday when I was ill and led to the song, Guy Monroe’s name kept coming to my mind. He had helped me with his vocal coaching for my album, Strut! His name was occurring to me again as I felt he could help me smooth out my singing for the song, Smile. I’m used to writing and singing songs that “holler and rock.” Smile is slow, relaxed, soft and meaningful. I felt I needed help with it. But I resisted the idea. (I was sick, remember.) It was easy to dismiss calling him.

But then something happened.

Guy sent me a text message.

He never texts me.

But he sent me a text message, just to say he was grateful for me being in his life.

That’s how the universe works. You get the messages internally first. But if you don’t listen, the messages start coming from the outside.

I’ll repeat that:

That’s how the universe works. You get the messages internally first. But if you don’t listen, the messages start coming from the outside.

I finally listened.

I called Guy. I told him about the Smile song. He instantly agreed to see me. We worked on Smile for three hours. And when I went into Daniel Barrett’s studio to record it, Guy met me there for support.

We recorded four versions of the song. The last seemed to be the best, and we left the studio that day feeling it was “in the bag.”

But something kept nagging at me.

Back home, I kept singing the song. I love the words and message and melody. But I don’t usually keep singing the same song over and over and over again. The only other time was with the acoustic version of the Rob Thomas hit song, “Lonely No More.”

Why was this song still haunting me?

When I went back into the studio with Daniel, and we listened to the version we thought was it, we both realized it wasn’t quite right. There was a word or two “off” in the song. Daniel is dedicated and persistent, so he kept trying hi-tech ways to correct that one word. Nothing was working. Neither he or I were going to settle for second best, either. We wanted this to be perfect. After all, three Grammy winners are involved with this album. I didn’t want anything less than the best.

So I did something new for me as a musician, especially at the point where the album was essentially done.

I offered to re-sing that song.

But wait.

Did that mean my sessions with Guy were bad?

Did that mean the previous four takes of the song were bad?

No. If nothing else, the sessions and takes were rehearsals. They prepared me for the best and final take.

Daniel was instantly agreeable to my recording the song one more time. He’s a joy to work with and goes with the flow. He set up the equipment and turned on the mike. I sang Smile.

One take.

When I was done, Daniel looked at me truly moved, totally quiet, with a tear in his eye.

“That was some of the best singing I’ve ever heard from you,” he said.

I’m usually critical of my own music the first time I hear it, but I had to admit, singing Smile that time around felt right even to me.

Now stop and think about this:

It appears that “something” was directing me to this song, and “something” was urging me to continue rehearsing it, even after I thought it was recorded and done. That “something” kept with me until I re-recorded the song and got the take we all agree is stellar.

So here’s my question for you:

What is that “something”?

When you get a “feeling” or a hunch or an inner nudge, where is it coming from?

When you have an intuition, what sent it to you?

Who sent it?

For me, it’s the Divine directing your life. As Dr. Hew Len (coauthor of Zero Limits) has often said, we aren’t in control. Either unconscious programs are or the Divine is.

We have to keep cleaning and clearing as most of what operates us is our programming. We’re run by our beliefs. What we want is to be so clear that all we hear is the Divine whispering direction to us.

I followed the whispered signs and signals and ended up with a masterful version of a famous hit song.

The end result is a song that will send chills up your spine when you hear it on my new album: The Healing Song. (Available in August.)

Back to my massage therapist.

I told her all of this and she again smiled and said, “Joe, every little thing is a miracle for you, isn’t it?”


It’s a miracle for all of us — including you — we simply don’t acknowledge it.

We judge it as “bad” or “out of flow.”

But is it?

So if you get sick, or spill a smoothie, or get a nudge from within to sing a song or call a friend, note they are important signals.

Divine signals.

They are the miracles.

And it’s all good.


Ao Akua,


PS – Lots of stars have recorded the song Smile since it was written in 1954 by John Turner and Geoffrey Parsons, which they based on an instrumental in the Charlie Chaplin 1934 movie, Modern Times. Here’s Dean Martin singing it on his TV show in 1974:

Member BBB 2003 - 2012

Member BBB 2003 - 2012


Breakfast with Lou Ferrigno

Recently I got to spend an hour and half talking to actor Lou Ferrigno, best known for his bodybuilding career and playing the comic book hero in the classic TV show, The Incredible Hulk.

Lou is 60 years old and looking as fit as ever, if not better than ever. He’s focused, hard working, intense, smart, driven, and dedicated.

We met because of our mutual admiration for actor/body builder Steve Reeves. I have a large collection of Reeves items, from his car to his gym to his trophies to his clothes. I also coauthored The Steve Reeves Cookbook.

Lou idolized Reeves, met him twice, and modeled the famous Reeves classic physique to sculpt his own impressive body.

Lou Ferrigno and Yours Truly

Lou Ferrigno and Yours Truly

I wish I could share all of the 90 minutes we spent together. He was very open with me, and I want to honor his sharing. We talked about everything from mindset to motivation, from fitness to aging, from our fathers to our careers. Lou was just as interested in me as I was in him. Lou’s life has not been a piece of cake. He’s had many challenges, and he has triumphed over all of them.

“If I hadn’t lost my hearing, I wouldn’t be where I am now. It forced me to maximize my potential. I had to be better than the average person to succeed. That`s why I chose bodybuilding. If I became a world champion, if I could win admiration from my peers, I could do anything.” – Lou Ferrigno

Lou works out five times a week, even while traveling, for an hour. He does twenty minutes of cardio and the rest of the time is spent lifting iron. He eats the same thing every day, which is egg whites for breakfast and salads at night. He tops off his carb intake at 150 grams a day and none after 7 pm. He has a glass of red wine at night. He doesn’t smoke cigars. He’s a family man with a big career. Despite all his successes, he has big dreams and is driven for more.

I gave him my audio set, The Secret to Attracting Money. He pointed at the word “attracting” in the title, smiled, and said, “I’m very interested in this.”

We were talking about thinking positive when Lou stopped me and said, “I’ve never heard it put that way before.”

I was so caught up in the exciting moment of hanging out with a legendary action figure and super star that I had to ask him to clarify.

“What’d I say?” I asked.

Lou answered, “You said when people start thinking negative, they lose all their power.”

Turns out power is a core theme with Lou. He admitted he was the most competitive person on the planet. He also said he went into bodybuilding as a form of self-protection. He built a physical wall, literally, to protect himself.

Steve Reeves Cookbook by George Helmer and me

Cookbook by George Helmer and me

Lou surprised me by asking what books influenced me the most. I didn’t realize just how much he still wanted to learn and grow and expand his success.

I told him about The Book of est and The Magic of Believing. He didn’t know of either but seemed fascinated.

Again, our ninety minutes together covered a lot of ground. I encouraged him to host his own event, turn his books into e-books, record audio versions of his books, and more. He was very open to my ideas, and answered all of my questions as well.

If I had to give you one take away point from Lou, it’d be this: Do something.

Do something.

He is a massive take-action guy. We agreed that ideas are a dime a dozen and talk is cheap. It’s action that separates the men from the boys, and women from the girls, the wannabees from the successes.


I’m impressed and inspired by Lou.

When we were to part, he hugged me. I was surprised, as I didn’t read him as a hugger, but I sure welcomed the embrace by the incredible Lou Ferrigno.

His site is at www.louferrigno.com

Ao Akua,


PS – I’ll be in LA appearing on CBS television news this Saturday morning, talking about my book, Attract Money Now. Tune in if you’re in the LA area.

Member BBB 2003 - 2012

Member BBB 2003 - 2012