Tag: the book The Secret


The Shocking Truth about The Law of Attraction

I was reading the book Measuring the Immeasurable: The Scientific Case for Spirituality, when I came across this line by biologist Bruce Lipton:

“Consequently, most of of our personal and cultural problems arise from the belief that we are running our lives with our conscious desires and aspirations.” He adds, “Yet our lives usually don’t match our intentions.”

Why not?

Why don’t our lives match our intentions?

Don’t our intentions attract our reality?

Isn’t the Law of Attraction real?

Lipton goes on to explain, “Generally, the reason we fail to get what we desire is not because the Universe does not want us to succeed, but because we undermine our own efforts with ‘invisible’ limiting behaviors.”

This is so relevant to understanding the Law of Attraction.

What I’ve been teaching for years now — in my books, such as The Key, Zero Limits, The Attractor Factor, and Attract Money Now — and in my audio programs, such as The Missing Secret and The Secret to Attracting Money — is this: what you get is not based on what you consciously think, but on what you unconsciously think.

In other words, the attractor in your mind is the “invisible limiting behavior” Lipton refers to in his quote. Change that and you’ll have a different result.

This explains why some people were aghast that I had an “adventure” in Russia. They thought because I know the Law of Attraction that I am somehow immune from the more challenging experiences of life.

I’m human. I have old programs in my mind, too. As I said in the previous blog post, I had early programming about Russia. It had nothing to do with Russia. That early programming was the “invisible limiting behavior” that attracted my experience in Russia.

A few of the teachers in the movie The Secret have had life challenges broadcast by the media and made public.  Does that mean the Law of Attraction doesn’t work, or does it mean each had some unconscious programming even they weren’t aware of that got attracted into reality?

Don’t be too quick to judge.

Each of us has limiting programming in our unconscious mind.

Even you.

Yes, you.

No wonder some people say the Law of Attraction doesn’t work. They have the superficial understanding that if they think something, it should automatically get attracted into their life.

It doesn’t work that way.

Instead, you attract what you un-consciously believe and expect.

The shocking truth about the Law of Attraction is that it does work – but not in a way to make your life non-stop ice cream and Disneyland rides; but instead to make it a non-stop process of awakening.

That’s the reason you’re here.

Bruce Lipton and others — including me – teach that those unconscious programs in your mind can be deleted or changed.

As you become more aware, you clear up the old baggage under the floorboards of your mind and make your life less stressful.

Then you can have a more Disneyland-like ride through life.

But it rarely happens overnight.

Some of the tools I use to accomplish this awakening are —

1. Zero Limits. I still use the four phrases from ho’oponopono to clear myself. As Dr. Hew Len admits, this is a non-stop process. You can’t do it once. You have to do it forever. That’s how much clutter is in your mind. He’s been doing it for 25 years. How long have you been doing it?

2. EFT. I still use the famous “tapping” cure to handle most things that come up for me. It’s fast, easy, and free. Are you using it?

3. Coaching. Since the programming in your mind is invisible to you, having an objective outside party works wonders in getting clear fast. I still use a coach today. Everyone needs one. Do you have one?

I also suggest you read such mind-expanding books as Bruce Lipton’s new book, Spontaneous Evolution, and my own new book, Attract Money Now.

Remember, you are unconsciously attracting what you get in your life – but that’s not cause for blame or guilt; it’s just stimulus to clear the limiting programming so you are free to live a life of Divine inspiration and moment-by-moment awe.

Expect Miracles.

Ao Akua,


PS — If you want to use the Law of Attraction to attract money, you need to get clear of the invisible programming in you around money. Read my latest book on the subject, free, at www.attractmoneynow.com or get the beautiful printed hardcover book, with a free DVD of a live presentation on attracting money, by clicking right here.

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Russia's Secret Wish Maker

While in the Siberia region of Russia last month, I met many wonderful fans and received numerous loving gifts. One of the latter was the curious figure called Hochun, known in Siberia as Russia’s Secret Wish Maker. He’s a cool Law of Attraction partner.

hochunHochun is a Russian doll in the same family of the famous Matreshka. The name of the doll comes from the Russian verb “hochu”, which means “I want.” What Hochun does is help you focus on stating what you want, otherwise known as formulating your intention.

Here’s how it works:

What you do is take Hochun and put him before you. You’ll note he has no pupils in his eyes. That’s a little spooky. There’s a reason for this. He needs you and you need him.

joe in siberia

You then formulate your wish. It’s important that you are clear and specific, else no one can help you attract your desire, not even Hochun. I love this aspect of using Hochun as your Wish Maker. As I teach people, you can’t attract what you can’t articulate. Neither can Hochun.

After you express your desire, you write it down.

You then take a pen and draw a pupil in one of Hochun’s eyes. He can now see what your desire, wish, or intention is.

You then place him someplace where you can see him, and he can see you. He will remind you of your goal.

Later, after your wish has been fulfilled, you draw in Hochun’s other eye, so he can see your success, too.

joe in siberia signing

I love Hochun. I think this is a smart tool for helping you pinpoint what you want for yourself. Hochun won’t actually do anything to bring your wish about (you still have to take action), but he’s a great help for formulating your desire and reminding you of it.

I’m not aware of Hochun in English, but the Russian site is at www.hochun.ru I am creating a three-part audio system on how to use Hochun to attract what you want in your life. I’ll tell you about it soon.

Reminder: This Friday I’ll post the story of my hair-raising escape from Russia. It won’t be for the faint of heart. Stay tuned.

Ao Akua,


PS – If you want to use the law of attraction to attract money, Hochun has some advice: Order the beautiful hardcover printed version of my book, Attract Money Now, and get a free DVD of a live presentation by me when you do. Just click here.

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Dr. Joe Vitale's "Attract Money Now" TV Show

You can now watch my new thirty minute TV show on how to Attract Money Now using the Law of Attraction right here. It will be airing nationwide next week. Here it is, in three parts:

Part two:

Part three:

If the above links don’t work, you can go direct to them here:

And you can still read the book Attract Money Now online for free right here. Or you can buy the beautiful hardcover printed version, which comes with a free DVD of a live presentation by me on how to use the Law of Attraction to attract money, right here.

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Attract Money – In 1 Minute

How can you use the law of attraction to attract money — in just one minute?

Watch this clip and see:

And then go read the book Attract Money Now online for free.

Or get the hardcover – complete with a free DVD of a live presentation by me on using the law of attraction to attract money – by clicking right here.

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Russia Questions

During my recent whirlwind trip to Russia, I was heavily questioned during news conferences, book signings, and television shows. Some of the questions were about the Law of Attraction, Zero Limits, my life, and more.  They were stimulating, surprising and sometimes blunt. Here are a few of them:

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In your book Zero Limits you say to ‘Kill the Divine’.  What do you mean? That’s a sin!

First, I didn’t say that; my coauthor Dr. Hew Len did. Second, there is the Divine and there is your concept of the Divine. What you want to do is kill your concept of the Divine.

What’s it like to wake up famous?

I’ve never awakened famous. I wake up hungry.

Are you creating a culture of consumerism?

Consumerism is a negative word for a positive trend. When people buy something to enrich their lives, they are showing they respect themselves. But you can poison that positive by calling it something negative, like consumerism.

You have many followers in Russia. Are you creating a cult?

I didn’t even know my books were published in Russian. I’m glad to have fans. But there’s no cult, or organized group, or even a leader. Just readers of my books.

What kind of women do you like? Did you attract any of the women here?

I love all women. I attracted every woman in the room.

Did you ever meet a UFO alien?


What was it like?

That’s a secret.

Do you believe in astrology?

I am fascinated with Eastern Astrology, but I find it wiser to go to the source that moves the planets than to the planets.

How can anyone be happy with so much suffering in the world?

How does your unhappiness help those suffering?

Do you ever get tired of being happy all the time?


If the Law of Attraction works and you can have everything you want, how come you’re fat?

I am a work in progress, just like you. While I’ve dramatically transformed my body, I’m not done with it yet. Anything you’re trying to attract but don’t have yet could be simply on the way.

joe upside down

Are there any new clearing tools since writing Zero Limits?

Yes. I’m inspired to say Russians are to eat or drink the Siberian berry, Sea-Buckthorn.

Many wealthy people help others. What are you doing to help others?

Many things. I give money to people and services I believe in, I started Operation YES to end homelessness, and I’m a contributor to the Circles program to end poverty.

I want to believe you but there are other books out there that say the Law of Attraction is bogus. What do I do?

You choose. The Law of Attraction is based on what you believe. If you believe it works, you’ll attract evidence to prove it works. If you believe it doesn’t work, you’ll find evidence that proves it doesn’t work. In both cases, the Law of Attraction is giving you what you believe.

I want to attract a man. How do I do that?

You clear the beliefs in you that say there aren’t enough good men out there, or you don’t deserve a man, or even you don’t feel lovable.

My man left me. How do I get him back?

You have to allow people their free will. The more you can be happy now, enjoy your life and be present, the more that person — or someone better — will come to you. But don’t target any one person.

What if what I want for me is wrong?

If you want something that makes you feel whole and happy, and helps others, it’s not likely to be wrong. But end all your requests with the phrase, “This or something better.”

What is your next book? Will it be in Russian?

My next book is Attract Money Now. It’ll be in Russian as soon as someone translates it. I’m giving it away, gratis, to the world.

I was fascinated by Russia (the little I saw of it), but I had to leave it unexpectedly and in great danger. Soon I’ll post an account of my harrowing escape.

Stay tuned.

Ao Akua,


PS —  Read Attract Money Now in English and for free by clicking right here. It reveals my 7-step formula on how to use the Law of Attraction to attract money fast. Get the printed hardcover version — which comes with a free DVD of me explaining how to attract money now before a live audience — by clicking right here. Tell the world.

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