

How to Become a Wealth Magnet

My latest book, Karmic Marketing, became a #1 bestseller the very day it was released.

The next day, it hit yet another bestseller list.

And the day after that, yet another.

What’s interesting is that I didn’t even try.

I told my followers via email and social media; the rest was an organic response.

Why has every successful person in history – from
Seneca, Ford, Carnegie, Barnum, Rockefeller and Getty to Bezos,
Musk, Gates, Buffett and Zuckerberg – used this secret?

The book reveals how to become a “wealth magnet.”

The secret is pretty controversial, even if it’s been proven throughout history to work.

Go get Karmic Marketing on Amazon right now in hardcover, paperback or for your Kindle reader.

And – Expect Miracles!

Ao Akua,

Dr Joe

PS – News Flash: I have a weekly online television show beginning in 2022! It’s all about “Zero Limits Living.” Follow me on Instagram for updates. I’m DRJOEVITALE there and on Facebook.


Karmic Marketing

I’m excited to report that my long awaited new book will be coming out later this month. It’s called Karmic Marketing: The Greatest Money-Making Secret in History. It reveals how to become a “Wealth Magnet” by giving. (You can pre-order it on Amazon right now. It releases November 22, 2021.) I’ve been talking about Karmic Marketing since the late 1990s. Here’s my blog post on it from 2006:

I’ve been mentioning Karmic Marketing for a decade or more, since around 1995. It’s high time that I explain what it means.

Here’s a quick definition:

Karmic Marketing is giving now knowing that in some way, shape or form you will be getting later.

Here’s how it works:

You’re rewarded instantly when you give because of the good feelings you get. Those feelings act like magnetizers that will attract more good feelings.

You’re rewarded later because of the invisible law that says you will get from giving.

I touched on this topic in my books, Life’s Missing Instruction Manual and Spiritual Marketing (1997), but I didn’t look at it from an in-depth Karmic Marketing perspective.

So let me give you an example or two:

At Un-Seminar II, I gave everyone a copy of the DVD of the movie The Secret.

I bought the DVDs out of my own pocket. I didn’t ask any money for them. I didn’t expect any money for them. I gave from my sincere desire to share.

Later that same night I received an email from Rhonda Byrne, the producer of The Secret. She said she was sending me, as a gift, a box of 50 DVDs of the movie.

That’s almost twice as many DVDs as I gave out.

That’s Karmic Marketing.

At one point during the event, I magically turned a roll of life savers into a hundred dollar bill, and then gave the money to an astonished woman in the audience.

I didn’t ask for anything in return.

Two days later, that same woman asked me a question in front of everyone that let me plug my next Beyond Manifestation weekend.

That plug led to my making two thousand dollars in one minute.

That’s Karmic Marketing.

The idea is to give freely, from your heart, wanting to share and wanting to help, and not expecting anything in return at all from the people you are doing it for.

You simply trust that your good deed will come back to you tenfold, in time, in some surprising and wonderful ways.

I practice Karmic Marketing here on the Internet by giving people things that I believe they will love, such as an e-book, or a course, or an audio, or a coupon.

On one level it strengthens our relationship.

But on the unseen level, it starts a spiritual circulation.

My giving now — done from my heart, with no expectation of return from the people I am doing it for — leads to getting later.

Why don’t more people practice Karmic Marketing?

Karmic Marketing is not done much because too many people are into survival.

They are afraid to let go.

To trust.

They are desperate and they stay desperate because of this lack of trust in life.

But once you let go and trust, you step into a flow that is prosperity itself.

This very blog is Karmic Marketing at work.

I write posts here about whatever I want, doing my best to entertain, educate, inspire and inform. No one pays me for this. I could make more money writing a sales letter or a book or a website.

But here I am, writing for you.

What comes to me as a result of doing this?

Increased business.

Increased sales.

Increased fans.

Sometimes an Amazon gift certificate.

But I’m not doing it for the end result.

I’m doing it because I want to.

Because I love to.

Because I love you.

Ao Akua


Note: You can pre-order Karmic Marketing on Amazon right now.

Bonus: Here’s a video from 2008 where I briefly discuss Karmic Marketing, with a nod to marketing legend Dan Kennedy:


Imaginotions: Part Seven

“Can a book put you in a trance?”
I’ve been practicing hypnosis since the 1960s. I’ve written books such as Hypnotic Writing and Buying Trances, so the question was not out of line.
“Why do you ask?”
“I thought maybe I could just read and have change happen.”
“You mean without doing anything?”
“Nothing more than read. I’m tired of struggling to change.”
“You have to want to change,” I pointed out.
“I do! But everything I tried so far doesn’t help.”
“You think reading a book will?”
“You’ve told me of books that have inspired people to change. Can you write one for me?”
“Specifically for you?”
“You prefer that over my just putting you into a trance?”
“You’ve done that and I’m still me.”
“You’ll always be you,” I explained. “You’re simply wanting to be a new and improved version of yourself.”
“If I could do it on my own, I would. I think I’m resisting change in our sessions.”
“Why would you resist what you want?”

“You said you are resisting change. I’m asking why you would resist changing into what you say you want?”
“I guess a part of me doesn’t want the change.”
“And why would that part not want what the rest of you wants?”
“That’s what I don’t get, Doc. I mean, I want to change, and I’m here with you to change, but I’m obviously not changing.”
“And so you think a book will do it?”
“A book by you, yes. You could make it hypnotic and the message might bypass the critical part of me that is blocking change.”
“This sounds like you created a solution for yourself.”
“I guess so. Will you do it?”
“If I wrote such a book, what do you think would be in it to convince that part of you to finally change now?”
“You could tell me a story and I’d be so interested in the story that I wouldn’t notice that a change took place while I was reading it.”
“You’re pretty clever,” I said.

“Well if I were truly clever, I wouldn’t need the book I’m requesting.”
“If I told you a story in this book about how a person changed by simply taking action in the direction of the change they wanted, would you accept it?”
“If it’s a true story.”
“There a hundreds if not thousands of books by and about people who have overcome adversity and all odds to achieve breakthroughs and transformations.”
“I”d like to be one of those people.”
“What do you want to achieve?”
“I already told you. I want to improve myself so I like myself.”
“If you liked yourself right now, how would you feel?”
“Better than I do now.”
“Yes, but what would you be feeling?”
“I don’t know, Doc. I guess peace, love, appreciation.”
“Can you remember a time when you felt that way?”
“Well, I remember getting a good grade on a paper in school and I felt proud of myself.”
“Do you have a memory from even earlier than that?”
“Not really.”
“Think for a moment…”

“Well there was a time when I was a little kid and my mom said I did something good.”
“What did you do?”
“I think I cleaned my room.”
“And you felt what?”
“Pride in yourself is a healthy feeling,” I explained. “Do you feel pride these days?”
“What about for trying to take care of yourself by seeing me?”
“I guess that’s a good thing.”
“How do you feel knowing it’s a good thing?”
“Some pride, I guess. But how do I get past all the negative stuff about myself?”
“You are remembering the negative but you are also remembering the positive. Maybe you can do more remembering of the positive.”
“Doesn’t seem easy.”
“Tell you what. I’ll make it easy for you.”
I handed out two coins.
“Which do you want?” I asked.
“Does it matter?”
“One is a good coin. The other is a less than good coin.”
“I’ll take the good coin.”

“Well because it’s good. It’s the better choice.”
“And why wouldn’t you want the less than good coin?”
“I don’t want to have a coin less than what I could have.”
“I see.”
We stared at each other.
“I think I see your point, Doc.”
“What is it?”
“I can choose.”
“Choose what?”
“The good memories.”
“And why would you choose good memories?”
“They feel better.”
“Do you still want me to write a book for you?”
“It’s your choice, Doc.”

Dr Joe

Note: Other Imaginotions by Dr. Joe Vitale 

In the Limelight

You’ll want to see the Summer 2021 edition of In the Limelight with Clarissa magazine with Dr. Joe Vitale (me!) on the cover. Exclusive feature interview inside (with more new photos). This is the magazine of supermodel and powerhouse entrepreneur Clarissa Burt. Love the ads in it too. Free online. See Enjoy!


Secret Book List

Several people asked me to post a list of recommended books. Since I’m a bookaholic, that’s easy to do, but I haven’t done it in five years. Here’s my most recent “secret list” of gems.* I’d love to know which you have read, and what you would add to my list. Enjoy! – Love, Joe

The Secret List

The Most Life Altering Books of All Time

Compiled by Dr. Joe Vitale

Moonshots by Naveen Jain. Think the world is void of opportunities? Think again. Jain is mining for minerals on the moon and working to make illness optional. There are no limitations in the real world of abundance. An exhilarating manifesto.

Principles by Ray Dalio. Wisdom from the life experience of a billionaire. Not something you’ll read in one day, but something you’ll eat every day for a year. This is an operating manual for life and business. Detailed. Overwhelming. Mind boggling.

How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie. I know you’ve heard of it. But have you read it? After reading a biography of Carnegie (Self-Help Messiah), I decided to read it again. It is a masterpiece. I am in awe of Carnegie’s conversational writing style, powerful stories, and crisp message. Priceless.

The Power of Impossible Thinking by Yoram and Cook. Life changing. It helps you think about your thinking, which frees you to think differently than your standard predictable pattern. I’ve put this title on every book list I’ve ever created. Read it.

The Book of est by Luke Rhinehart. Hypnotic. Loved it so much I published it after it went out of print. It’s a fictional account of the infamous confrontational self-help seminar of the 70s. Written so well you feel you are in the room. All about self-empowerment and personal responsibility. It’ll make you squirm.

Total Recall by Arnold Schwarzenegger. Incredibly terrific. Even “Fantastic!” I hyperventilated reading this autobiography by the bodybuilder, movie star, governor and more. He learned his hardcore rules for success in the gym, and applies them to everything. Exciting.

I, Mammal by Loretta Breuning. Enlightening. Read all of her books. She basically points out that you are a monkey with a reactionary monkey brain. As soon as you realize it, and with awareness and discipline, you can become less a monkey and more an awakened ape.

You Are the Placebo by Joe Dispenza. The author explains how it is possible to heal many “incurables” with thought alone, by detailing how the mind influences everything. In a way, this is a manual on how to create the placebo effect as needed. Fascinating.

The Elements of Eloquence by Mark Forsyth. Fun, funny, flippant. It will spin your writing into a spell generator. (“Spell” as in “I’ll put a spell on you!”) This charming book demonstrates the elements of eloquence while explaining them.

The Magic Power of Emotional Appeal by Roy Garn. I love this book so much I buy every edition I find and have read it a dozen times. Garn reveals that we are all emotionally led by the nose, and shows how to use that fact to influence others. A gem.

The Third Door by Alex Banayan. When you want to achieve a goal, most people make a straight line to the front door. They do what everyone else does. Others join the inner circles of the influencers who might help them get what they want. But what if the front door is locked and the inner circle is barred? You look for “The Third Door.” Anything is possible, but you may have to open the third door. Terrific book.

The Law of Success by Napoleon Hill. Get the 1928 (not 1925) version of this massive work by the famous “Think and Grow Rich” author. This was his magnum opus. Everything you need to know about success is here. Devour it.

The Science of Storytelling by Will Storr. Let me tell you a story…You buy, sell and share with stories. The better the story, the better the result. This brilliant book opened my eyes to how our minds work, so we can better communicate in a way that gets the results we want. Loved it.

Ego Is the Enemy by Ryan Holiday. I hate the title. But I’m sure that’s my ego objecting to it. Holiday has single handed brought Stoicism to the masses. All three of his philosophical books are brilliant, including The Obstacle Is the Way and Stillness Is the Key.

The Will to Live by Dr. Arnold A. Hutschnecke. This 1951 masterpiece reveals that your unconscious mind is running the show. You may not achieve what you want due to subconscious influences. This riveting book demonstrates how the inner mind works, and helps guide you to clearing the hidden blocks to freedom.

The Robert Collier Letter Book by Robert Collier. Hands down the single most powerful book on copywriting. The metaphysical author was a legendary copywriter. His samples may seem dated but I’ve modeled many of my most successful letters on his work. Pure gold.

The Nature of Personal Reality by Jane Roberts. This is the “channeled” book that started it all. It’s big and detailed and was the first to introduce me to beliefs and how they create reality. The ghostly “Seth” may or may not be the source, but the wisdom is practical and head spinning.

Rejection Proof by Jia Jiang. I stopped worrying about being rejected after reading this book. Great stories. Great fun.

The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles. Old (1910) but relevant. It inspired the movie ‘The Secret’ but it’s more practical than woo-woo. Read it with focus to understand it.

The Courage to Be Disliked by Ichiro Kishimi and Fumitake Koga. A runaway bestseller in Asia. About understanding that you are a meaning creating machine. Change the meaning, change your life. Be ready to be fully you.

Sanity, Insanity, and Common Sense, a 1987 book by Rick Suarez, Roger Mills and Darlene Stewart. A few gems from the book reveal its depth: “The fact is that in separate realities, everyone is right and everyone is telling the truth as they see it.” “Stress is a byproduct of thinking; it is not inherent in situations or circumstances.” “A reality is an apparency. It is how something appears to be.”

Pollyanna by Eleanor Porter. Yes, I saw the movie too, but did you read the book? This 1913 classic is delightfully written with all the energy of an action movie, and at the same time brilliantly conveys one of the simplest and most profound self-help methods of all time. Read it and learn how to play The Glad Game, too. Entertaining, profound and not just for kids.

The Power of Neuroplasticity by Shad Helmstetter. Conversational guide on how to scientifically use your brain to achieve goals. Based on solid research. Genius.

The Practical Visionary by Corinne McLaughlin. Offers overwhelming proof that every social problem you can name is being addressed. While the mainstream media rarely nods in the direction of the good deeds people are doing, seeing all this evidence for the positive is wonderful. Shows you how to be a practical visionary, too. Inspiring. Refreshing.

The Yamas & Niyamas by Deborah Adele. A spiritual masterpiece. Explores how to use the ten ethical guidelines of yoga practice to have a meaningful life. Beautifully written with examples that bring the tenets to life.

Stratagems by Frontinus. Written in the first century AD by a General from ancient Rome, this fascinating collection of true stories reveals creative military strategies from Greek and Roman history. Very readable, surprising and entertaining.

Personality Isn’t Permanent by Benjamin Hardy, Ph.D. Empowering. Liberating. The idea of making choices now that my “Future Self” will thank me for later is enough to recommend this great book, but there’s far more juice in it, all about breaking free of mental limits. Read it.

There’s A Customer Born Every Minute by Joe Vitale. Forgive the self-promotion but many business people (like Dan Kennedy and Mark Joyner) worship this book about the ten proven methods of the titans of modern history, especially the outrageous P.T. Barnum.

*Note: My last list of recommended books (posted 2015) is here:

My 2014 list of recommended books is here:

My 2013 list of recommended books is here:


Dr Joe Vitale is the bestselling author of way too many books to list here.
