Tag: AT Zero


Expect Miracles

Recently on my Facebook fan page I posted this thought:

“Whenever you get upset, it’s because you went unconscious. A hidden belief was activated. Become aware of the belief, release it, and the upset vanishes. You are then able to clearly see what to do next in the moment.”

The idea is to become aware.

When something upsets you, it’s not because of the “something” but because of your internal trigger, usually an unconscious belief.

When you become aware of the belief, you can remove the trigger.

Then when “something” happens that used to upset you, you will be calm, and better able to see your choices in the moment.

In other words, when you get upset, you have to become acutely sensitive to what belief in you is being activated.

Under your emotions is a thought about how things “should” be.

Because things are suddenly not as your unconscious mind expected, a switch was thrown, a belief was activated, and you became upset.

But once you realize what the belief is, you can change it and no longer attract the experience.

New movie releases Nov 20

New movie releases Nov 20

As I also posted one time —

“The meaning you give an event is the belief that attracted it.”

Once you clear the belief, you no longer need situations to remind you of it.

One way to find the belief, is to ask yourself what the situation means.

  • “This always happens to me!”
  • “He/she never respects me!”
  • “I can never win!”

All of those statements seem like accurate observations of reality by the person stating them.

On one level, they are accurate.

But in unfiltered objective reality those statements are the beliefs that are attracting the subjective reality.

Clear the belief and you won’t attract the experience, or, if you attract something akin to it, it won’t bother you.

You’ll be free.

From time to time I post nuggets like that to help you do one thing: awaken.

For example, a while back I posted this:

“If you don’t have some self doubts and fears when you pursue a dream, then you haven’t dreamed big enough.”

The idea behind that one is to get you to stretch, and realize stretching will bring up any beliefs counter to your goal, what I call counter-intentions.

In other words, going for a big dream will make you excited and uncomfortable, at least until you clear the negative beliefs.


Because you’re leaving your comfort zone.

By the very nature of the phrase “comfort zone,” you will be uncomfortable when you leave it.

But that doesn’t mean you aren’t to go for your dreams.

It simply means that when you pursue a new goal, your limiting beliefs around it will surface.

Which brings up the question, how do you clear limiting beliefs and counter-intentions?

I’ve written and recorded numerous books and audios about many different processes you can use, from ho’oponopono to The Remembering Process to Nevillizing to the Fourth Dimension Process to Miracles Coaching and more.

But today I’m excited to announce that I will be teaching a six week class on all of this.

It’s called “Expect Miracles.”

It will be my definitive course on going beyond where you might be stuck to living a life of magic and miracles.

It will take you from beginning to advanced to awakening.

It will contain processes, meditations, visualizations and more, all led by me, all designed to help you.

It will take quotes like this from me and explain them:

“You created this moment from what you thought and felt three days ago. What you are thinking and feeling right now will create your next moments.”

In other words, Expect Miracles will help you understand how your mind works, so you can actually go past the mind and merge with the energy vortex of life itself.

In that realm, miracles are the norm.

The course begins November 10, 2015.

If this is something that resonates with you, then check it out at http://mval.li/?a=5325&c=1676&p=r&s1=

Remember – Expect Miracles!

Ao Akua,


PS – For more quotes from me, one place to look is at http://addicted2success.com/quotes/36-joe-vitale-quotes-to-inspire-a-life-of-abundance/

Member BBB 2003 - 2016

Member BBB 2003 - 2016


The Window

The more books I read about free will, neuroscience, and neuroplasticity, the more I realize that each of us has “a window” of awareness.

It’s The Window in your mind where thoughts appear.

It’s the mental place where you can consciously choose to follow, or not, the thoughts that come to you.

But you can’t consciously act on or reject any thought you haven’t witnessed in that window of your mind.

And for now, you don’t have control over what thoughts occur to you.

To prove this, predict your next thought.

Go ahead and try.

You can tell me what it is after you think it, but you can’t tell me what it will be beforehand.

That means that your thoughts come from somewhere else and appear in your “window” of awareness for you to then observe.

You don’t think thoughts; they think you.

Where do thoughts come from?

In the ho’oponopono tradition (as written about in my books Zero Limits and At Zero, and as taught by Dr. Hew Len), your thoughts arise from the programs or data in your subconscious/unconscious mind.

Programs are mental paradigms, mindsets, perceptions and more. They are memories.

In neuroscience, the thoughts arise from your unconscious storehouse of beliefs, experiences, and more.

They are pretty much saying the same thing: thoughts appear from what’s in your subconscious mind.

In both views, your thoughts “appear” from somewhere out of your full conscious awareness.

Your thoughts are appearing in “the window” of your conscious mind, bubbling up from what is hidden in the mind below, from an underground database of memories/beliefs/data.

This is so important that I’m not even sure where to begin to explain it.

For example –

If you are trying to attract money but struggling at it, it isn’t your fault at all.

The programs in your unconscious are not allowing you to see the opportunities for wealth around you.

It’s as if you are wearing blinders, goggles, or filters.

The hidden data in your mind about money is what allows or prevents thoughts about money to enter “the window” of awareness in your mind.

What sort of hidden beliefs might keep money away?

Money is bad.

Money is evil.

Money is not spiritual.

Money is not good for me.

And so it goes.

Any limiting program in the subconscious is the “blinder” preventing you from seeing anything that could help you.

What enters “your window” of awareness is based on your programs.

Change the program and you see a different reality.

New thoughts will arise.

And in “the window” you will see new choices.

You can still ignore what appears in “the window” of your mind.

Some call that free will.

But it might be more accurate to call it “free won’t.”

When a thought floats into your window of awareness, you can act on it or not.

You have the freedom to decide once you are aware of the thought.

But your “window” is the only place you get to consciously choose anything, and what appears in that window will come from your secret mental software – unless you start working with the programs and data in your unconscious/subconscious.

How do you change the hidden programs?

There are numerous ways, and I’ve written about them in many books, such as The Key, and spoken about them in many audio programs, such as The Zero Point and The Missing Secret.

I also started Miracles Coaching so you can have one on one assistance in working with your database of hidden beliefs.

A new way to begin dealing with the hidden programs is with what I call The Fourth Dimension Process.

I wrote a Special Report about it which you can have, free, by clicking here: The Fourth Dimension Process: Hyper-Manifestation for Wealth.

This brand new report reveals the process and proves it works by explaining how I used it to manifest one of the biggest goals of my entire life.

I also just taught it, with the help of Dr. Steve G. Jones, to a group of eight people in a private seminar in Las Vegas.

Every person loved it and said — on camera — that it transformed them.

I think you’ll like it, too.

Meanwhile, consider where your thoughts are coming from.

Even right now, whether you like your thoughts or not, notice that the thoughts seem to float into The Window of your awareness from someplace else.

And then consider how you respond to those thoughts.

Again, you have free will.

And free won’t.

The point is, if you are trying to attract or achieve something and not succeeding, it most likely isn’t what you are consciously thinking, but what you are un-consciously believing.

Think about it.

Ao Akua


PS  – Whatever you are thinking right now just bubbled up from your subconscious/unconscious/collective unconscious database of programs. It’s now in “The Window” of your awareness, where you can act on the thoughts, or not. But even your action is based on what is in your programming. No foolin.’ 🙂

Member BBB 2003 - 2015

Member BBB 2003 - 2015


Belief Clearing Secret

Whenever I’m asked what methods I personally use to clear myself of limiting beliefs, I always say three things —

1. Ho’oponopono. This simple prayer, described in the books At Zero and Zero Limits, is what I do daily (even right now, as I’m writing this).

2. Tapping. Whether you call it EFT or TFT or something else, I use the “tapping” method almost daily, for anything that feels “off” in my life.

3. Questioning. I question beliefs much like Sherlock Holmes investigated a crime or Socrates guided his students into clarity.

I’ve touched on this last method in various programs and books, but never really explained it here, on this blog. Today’s the day to do so.

Here goes:

Click for free new book

Click for free new book

I first learned the power of questions from Barry Neil Kaufman, author of To Love Is To Be Happy With.

“Bears,” as he likes to  be called, teaches that you can explore any limits in your life with the right questions and the right attitude. I studied with Bears in 1985 and still reflect back on what I learned from him.

Later, I gained deeper insight into this questioning method from Mandy Evans, who wrote Traveling Free and Emotional Options.

I’ve often called Mandy the original Miracles Coach. She’s helped me off and on for almost thirty years. I owe much of my clarity to her, which led to much of my success.

At one point, decades ago, I was so fascinated with the power of questions that I made business cards calling myself a Socratic Dialogue Consultant.

I thought I might help people by coaching them through the right questions and the right attitude. Life redirected me into writing books and coaching people through words.

But those business cards foreshadowed what I later became: a coach through my work.

So what are the right questions and the right attitude to clear beliefs?

My approach to getting clear through questions goes like this:

First, an attitude of unconditional love is essential.

Any sense of judgment will shut down your willingness to explore. You really need the attitude of detachment, curiosity, and pure accepting love behind every question.

Second, I explore beliefs with the curiosity of a benevolent angel.

When I sense or hear a limiting belief, I want to get curious about it.

Remember, beliefs are not facts. Beliefs can be explored.

They may feel like facts, but beliefs are mental judgments we made up at some point for a variety of reasons. They can be explored and released.

“There isn’t enough money for me” or “I’ll never find the perfect love” or “Sex is bad” are all beliefs.

None are real.

None can be proven by science.

None are universally agreed as true.

Those beliefs can be examined.

Many people can’t find their operating beliefs because they are living them as truths.

To explore a belief, you need to know the belief.

That’s why having an objective person help you can be priceless.

But one way to locate a belief is to ask yourself what a situation means.

In other words, I often say, “The meaning you give an event is the belief that attracted it.”

Think about that —

“The meaning you give an event is the belief that attracted it.”

When you feel stuck or have a problem, how do you describe it?

“I’ve always been this way.”

“This always happens to me.”

Your explanation of the event is most likely the belief that helped create it.

If you really feel you can’t locate the core belief, then just guess at it.

If you knew the belief behind the troubling circumstance, what might it be?

Take a guess.

Accept whatever comes as your starting point.

Now that you have the belief, or at least a belief to begin this process, you are ready to clear it.

But how?

My first question of any belief might be, “Do I believe it?”

After all, upon questioning, I might see that I really don’t believe it.

If I don’t, we can stop there.

But if I feel I do believe it, then the next question might be, “Why do I believe it?”

That question is searching for the evidence of the belief. That of course can be anything, from what I heard to what I saw.

I then want to go deeper and ask, “Do I believe the evidence?”

Again, I may answer no, I don’t, and I’m done.

But if I do believe it, I want to ask, “Why do I believe it?”

Again, we are digging deeper, looking for more reasons or stories for the belief.

At some point I might ask, “What would happen if I didn’t believe it?”

The result of all this questioning is freedom.

I’m the first to admit that doing this “Socratic Clearing” on your own is tough.

You can do it, but you’re stuck in the world of your own beliefs, questioning your own beliefs.

It’s like being in a hypnotic trance and trying to talk yourself out of your own trance.

It’s possible, but not easy.

Results will be faster if you actually work with a coach trained to help you get clear of your beliefs.

Of course, I created Miracles Coaching almost a decade ago to help you do just that.

You can learn more at Miracles Coaching.

Ao Akua


PS – My approach to questioning beliefs is different from what Barry Neil Kaufman, Mandy Evans, and others in their field practice. If you want to know more, please look for their books. If you want to go really deep, learn from the man credited with coming up with the process both Bears and Mandy use today: Bruce Di Marsico. There’s a three volume set of books based on his work that you might enjoy at  http://www.dialoguesinselfdiscovery.com/?p=stores&cat_id=1&product_id=10 There is also a warm book about Bruce Di Marsico called The Guru Next Door. See http://thegurunextdoor.com/ Of course, there are many other belief clearing methods around. One of my favorites is from Morty Lefkoe. See http://www.mortylefkoe.com/ And, for the record, the “person” who got me interested in beliefs at all, many decades ago, was Jane Roberts’ Seth. Jerry and Ether Hicks, of Abraham fame, took up the ball that Seth started, but (for me and many others) it all goes back to Seth.

PPS – This free new e-book can help you, too: http://www.theabundanceproject.com/book.php?linkid=428600

Member BBB 2003 - 2015

Member BBB 2003 - 2015


Invoking Divinity

At my recent presentation at Sundance in Utah, I invited everyone to think of a problem that they wish would go away — a nagging one that seemed to stick no matter what — one that they never even tell anyone about because it hurts so much…

I wanted them to feel the block — whether a block preventing them from attracting money, health, love, or anything else — so I could help them release it once and for all.

I then played just four of the eight tracks from the new healing album, “Invoking Divinity.”

My ninth album

My ninth album

I knew the inspired music, calming 432 Hz frequency, and clearing ho’oponopono prayers would help them melt anything in the way of their experiencing bliss right now and being free to have, do, or be virtually anything they could imagine.

Did it work?

Here’s what one person said..

“As I listened to Invoking Divinity for
the first time, in my mind I thought about
something recent that had happened to me
that was very painful emotionally.

“Each time I thought or talked about the painful
experience, I couldn’t help but cry.  Even though
I tried to let go of the emotions, it seemed like
I couldn’t.  When Joe Vitale asked me to think
about something that needed clearing, I immediately
thought of that event.

“As I listened to the first track, sure enough,
the tears streamed down my face. I felt the emotion
of the event very deeply.  Somehow, by the third track,
the pain was gone. After all this time, just sitting
and listening to your healing music soothed my pain,
and then completely healed me. As the fourth track
started, I began to have clear inspiration about what
I should do with my class (I’m an elementary school
teacher) and particularly with some of the students
that struggle for one reason or another.

“Not only did the music heal me, it opened up a portal
to inspiration for me.  I believe this shift from within
me will create miraculous positive influence on my
students and many others.  Thank you, from the bottom
of my heart, for the blessing of your healing music.
Now I have a deep desire to get the music translated
in Chinese so my Chinese-speaking family can benefit
like I did!”

Yang Yue
Huai Nan, China


“Listening to your newest album Invoking Divinity was
profound for me, thank you for healing me, thank you
for inspiring me– again.

“That was probably the best 20 minutes I could ever
spend. Moving from track to track on the CD and just
feeling my energy shift was absolutely profound. Your
music is a blessing to humanity.”

Steve Gardner

Thank you, Steve and Yang Yue.

The eight tracks (40 minutes total) on the album are a combination of subliminal and audible clearing prayers and Divine music.

All I played at the event were 20 minutes of audible sounds and prayers (just four tracks).

Imagine what all 40 minutes could do for you!

Please do yourself a favor and go discover the power of “Invoking Divinity.”

Story, photos, audio samples and more are at http://www.InvokingDivinity.com

Expect Miracles.

Ao Akua,


PS — If you want to raise your vibration, relax, clean, clear, and experience heaven, just go see http://www.InvokingDivinity.com

Member BBB 2003 -2015

Member BBB 2003 -2015


Your Reflection Awaits

I have a question for you…

I would like to send you my latest album, titled Reflection, which is a breakthrough in self-help healing music.

It’s music to soothe, heal, stir and awaken.

Click image to pre-order new album

Click image to pre-order new album

Every track is original, and every track conveys a powerful message about life, love, miracles, faith, and more.

It’s all designed to raise your vibration so you can better attract higher levels of consciousness and manifestations.

It works beautifully with the Law of Attraction because it helps program your mind to attract what you want and prefer.

For example –

The song “Love” could be the anthem for a whole generation. It is unforgettable. It will help you love and attract love. When you feel love, you merge with the higher attraction law of the Universe.

The song “Fidem” lets you know the truth about worry. The message is freeing. (“Fidem” means faith.)

The song “Lakshmi” is a powerful song of homage to the Goddess of Wealth and Prosperity. It can help you attract more abundance. (She is a secret in my own success.)

The title track song, “Reflection,” reminds you that the whole world is a mirror — of you. (This song has the potential to trigger an awakening in you.)

The song “Remember” is a beautiful, yet haunting message of how to change your life with a brand new process. (It is way cool.) It was inspired by “The Remembering Process” book (coming in April).

The song “Do” is a pep talk to get you moving. It could help you overcome procrastination and fire you up for the day or a work out. The word ‘action’ is in the phrase ‘law of attraction.’

The song “Believe” lets you know what to do when no one seems to believe in you or your dreams. We live in a belief driven universe, so this song is timely and powerful.

I could go on and list every track and the story behind each, but you get the idea.

This new album is a-maz-ing.

My band behind "Reflection"

My band behind "Reflection"

I got my band back together — Daniel Barrett, Glenn Fukunaga, and Rock and Rock Hall of Fame drummer Joe Vitale (yes, he has the same name as me) — and we created this new album of ten tracks just for you.

It’s self-help healing music at its best.

It’s music that transforms.

And I want to send it to you.

The album on CD – complete with a beautiful printed book revealing all of the lyrics and including photos of me and the band – is at the printer right now.

It will be a limited edition collectible, because I am only printing a small quantity of 1,000 to offer to my readers and friends (like you).

It will sell to others for $21.95 but when you go and pre-order it right now, you can have it for only $9.95 (plus shipping, of course).

That’s well over half off.

That’s only a dollar a song.

For less than ten bucks, you can change your life through sound *and* get a collectible new album and booklet, too.

Plus I will include a surprise gift when we ship the new album to you in April.

(You will love it.)

May I send it to you?

Just go see http://www.reflectioncd.com

Expect Miracles.

Ao Akua,


PS – This offer will last until May 1st, 2014. Please go order one or more albums (think of your family and friends) right now while it’s on your mind at — http://www.ReflectionCD.com

Member BBB 2003 - 2015

Member BBB 2003 - 2015