Tag: love


Self-Help Music Videos

My brand new self-help music video was just posted. It’s the dance friendly title song off my last singer-songwriter album, Reflection. You can see it right here:


And the first video, which has been seen by more than 100,000 people so far, based on the song ‘Everybody’s Going Thru Something’ off Strut!, my first singer-songwriter album, is here:



Ao Akua,


PS — The songs and their albums are on iTunes. A portal to all of my albums (so far) is at http://www.allhealingmusic.com

Saxman joe

Saxman Joe


Bill Phillips Secret

I’m a friend and a fan of Body-for-Life Hall of Fame fitness legend Bill Phillips, author of Transformation and other bestselling books, but I’m not an affiliate for anything he offers or sells. I’m writing this to share my personal experience with his new supplement, GHX10, which is supposed to help increase your Human Growth Hormone.

Like you, I see ads for supplements daily.

I used to take a bucket of them (supplements, not ads) every morning.

For years, I spent thousands of dollars on a prescription to help increase Human Growth Hormone.

I was over 50 and approaching 60 (and am now over 60) and was seeking the Fountain of Youth.

Feeling frustrated by the lack of results, and disappointed by the misleading claims, and tired of paying all that money every month, I threw it all away.

Stopped the supplements.

Stopped the drug.

I decided I would simply eat clean, workout, pray, and hope for the best.

Of course, I rediscovered Bill Phillips two years ago, attended four of his fitness camps in Denver, and have been working his program daily.

I’ve released weight, added muscle, and feel great. (I’ve written about my experiences on previous posts. See PS below.)

Recently Bill announced a new supplement.

Fitness legend Bill Phillips

Fitness legend Bill Phillips

It’s called GH10X.

It was created to help you increase Human Growth Hormone, a major key to rebuilding your body, releasing excess weight, and feeling youthful.

Bill says it can help increase Growth Hormone up to ten times.

That’s a pretty noteworthy claim.

He adds, “GH10x is an all-new, scientifically designed, nutraceutical – a natural supplement with medicinal like effects.”


Because I trust Bill, I ordered enough GH10X to try for a month.

Since it’s simply a powder you add to a drink, it was easy to try.

The first night, I slept better than I had in years.


And my dreams became more vivid, colorful, and memorable.

The next morning my workout was stronger and more intense, with more endurance and less exhaustion.

I was impressed.

But I thought it might be a fluke, so I kept the experience to myself.

Three weeks later, I noticed that my muscles seemed bigger.

A month or so later, my wife said, “Look at your arms!”

And then when a service person came to the house to do a repair, and I saw him glance at my biceps (I had been in my gym and was wearing a sleeveless shirt), I knew something was working.

I went in the bathroom and took a selfie.


My muscles are bigger.

The Evidence

The Evidence

Better sleep, more energy, increased strength, and bulging biceps.

I’m sold.

And yes, I ordered a lot more GH10X.

Bill is quick to point out that his supplements won’t work for you if you don’t exercise.

I already workout, using Bill’s methods.

Adding the new supplement seemed to turn on the after burners, push some sort of kick start nuclear blast button in my body, and engage my body-mind-spirit to fire up the back engines and sprint ahead.

I like GH10X.

Again, I’m not an affiliate for it and I don’t make a cent if you buy it or not.

I’m just sharing my personal experience of using it.

To learn more, go see http://eatingright.com/collections/gh10x

For the record, the only other supplement I take these days is Strongevity, also from Bill Phillips. It’s described at http://eatingright.com/collections/strongevity-rx ( I’m not an affiliate for it, either.)

To your health!

Ao Akua,


PS  –  My posts about training with Bill Phillips are at —

March 1 2013 http://blog.mrfire.com/transformation-on-demand/

May 16 2013 http://blog.mrfire.com/transformation-update/

October 22, 2013 http://blog.mrfire.com/transformation-part-three/

May 1, 2014: http://blog.mrfire.com/transformation-part-4/

July 25, 2014 http://blog.mrfire.com/transformation-part-5/

Member BBB 2003 - 2015

Member BBB 2003 - 2015


Attracting Mindi Abair

In my quest to quickly learn how to play the saxophone, I sought out great players to listen to, model, and study.

It didn’t take long to discover sexy sax superstar Mindi Abair.

Mindi Abir and me

Mindi Abair and me

Her latest album, Wild Heart, is already topping the Billboard charts. She’s been on American Idol for two seasons. She toured with Aerosmith. She’s been on Letterman. She played with Bruce Springsteen. She’s breaking through to even wider mainstream public awareness. Her blend of rock and jazz is just the right combo to excite and inspire me.

I had a sax lesson with her via Skype that helped me with numerous sax playing issues. That was a turning point in my playing. As a result, I’ve already played sax on several albums, from Invoking Divinity and Afflatus, to a forthcoming album with twice Grammy nominated singer Ruthie Foster and my music producer Daniel Barrett.

Randy Jacons and Mindi Abair performing private acoustic concert

Randy Jacobs and Mindi Abair performing private acoustic concert for friends

And then I hired Mindi to perform a private acoustic concert for friends.

That’s where I became even more enthralled and inspired.

Mindi is open, generous, loving and lovable.

Hugging Mindi Abair

Hugging Mindi Abair

She spent time with each of my friends. She showed me her sax (Yamaha Custom Z alto) and answered more of my questions about playing.

And her playing stunned me.

She’s smooth, hot, sultry, jazzy, rocking, screaming, soothing, and more.

When I grow up, I want to play like her.

She put thought into which songs to play for me and my friends.

She considered my interest in positive thinking and played her song “I Can’t Lose” (off the Wild Heart album).

She heard that one of my guests loved the song “Summertime” and played her powerful version of it.

And she told stories.

Each song was introduced with a charming behind the scenes story.

It made the show intimate and unique and unforgettable.

With guitarist Randy Jacobs

With guitarist Randy Jacobs

Her guitar player was just as warm and talented.

Randy Jacobs played for Ringo and Willie and a long list of greats. He was as humble and friendly as Mindi. (And he was very impressed that drummer Joe Vitale, the “other” Joe Vitale who is in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, recorded several albums with me.)

Check out Mindi Abair at http://www.mindiabair.com/

Check out Randy Jacobs at http://www.randyjacobs.com/

And here’s Mindi showing you how it’s done…

Ao Akua,


PS – Mindi Abair was kind about my sax playing, too. She called me (in a Tweet) a “killer saxophonist”! Thank you, Mindi! 🙂

Saxman Joe

Saxman Joe on Baritone


Bread-Free Bread

My wife Nerissa couldn’t get me to eat my vegetables so she did something creative: she disguised them as breads.

That did the trick.

I ate pizza with “bread” made out of spinach.

I ate burgers with “bread” made out of kale.

I ate desserts made out of beans.

Nerissa in the gluten-free test kitchen

Nerissa in the gluten-free test kitchen

I never knew it was just vegetables or seeds.

I never knew there wasn’t any gluten or grain.

All of it tasted delicious.

AND I maintained my new fitness lifestyle, released excess weight, and never felt hungry or deprived.

It also led to her writing an entire cookbook of 75 original recipes on how to make gluten-free bread out of vegetables, seeds, and some nuts.*

I’m not the only one who loves this healthy food.

Body-for-Life fitness legend Bill Phillips tasted it — because I hand delivered it to him — and endorsed it.

And I’ve never seen him endorse anything.

Nerissa’s cookbook is called “Bread-Free Bread.”

The sub-title is “Amazingly Healthy Gluten-Free, Grain-Free Breads, Muffins, Cookies & More.”

I'm proud of Nerissa and her gluten-free book

I'm proud of Nerissa and her gluten-free book

If you or someone you know needs to stay away from gluten, or wants a healthier alternative to foods that are questionable, go get the book.

It’s available at bookstores and of course from Amazon —


Please go get a copy for yourself and remember, the holidays are near and this would make a great gift for family and friends, so order several.

To your health!

Ao Akua,


PS — * Nerissa created every one of these 75 recipes from zero, tested and retested them, and also took all the photos — all within two months. And she did all of this while having two surgeries, having a new bathroom remodeled with jack hammers and construction workers interrupting her, and as a beloved cat of 15 years passed away, and as she sold her rental property of 17 years. She’s proof that you can accomplish almost anything with focus, determination, and passion. Go get her book, for yourself and friends, from your local bookstore or from Amazon at — http://www.amazon.com/Bread-Free-Bread-Amazingly-Gluten-Free-Grain-Free/dp/1581572808/

Member BBB 2003 - 2015

Member BBB 2003 - 2015


Belief Clearing Secret

Whenever I’m asked what methods I personally use to clear myself of limiting beliefs, I always say three things —

1. Ho’oponopono. This simple prayer, described in the books At Zero and Zero Limits, is what I do daily (even right now, as I’m writing this).

2. Tapping. Whether you call it EFT or TFT or something else, I use the “tapping” method almost daily, for anything that feels “off” in my life.

3. Questioning. I question beliefs much like Sherlock Holmes investigated a crime or Socrates guided his students into clarity.

I’ve touched on this last method in various programs and books, but never really explained it here, on this blog. Today’s the day to do so.

Here goes:

Click for free new book

Click for free new book

I first learned the power of questions from Barry Neil Kaufman, author of To Love Is To Be Happy With.

“Bears,” as he likes to  be called, teaches that you can explore any limits in your life with the right questions and the right attitude. I studied with Bears in 1985 and still reflect back on what I learned from him.

Later, I gained deeper insight into this questioning method from Mandy Evans, who wrote Traveling Free and Emotional Options.

I’ve often called Mandy the original Miracles Coach. She’s helped me off and on for almost thirty years. I owe much of my clarity to her, which led to much of my success.

At one point, decades ago, I was so fascinated with the power of questions that I made business cards calling myself a Socratic Dialogue Consultant.

I thought I might help people by coaching them through the right questions and the right attitude. Life redirected me into writing books and coaching people through words.

But those business cards foreshadowed what I later became: a coach through my work.

So what are the right questions and the right attitude to clear beliefs?

My approach to getting clear through questions goes like this:

First, an attitude of unconditional love is essential.

Any sense of judgment will shut down your willingness to explore. You really need the attitude of detachment, curiosity, and pure accepting love behind every question.

Second, I explore beliefs with the curiosity of a benevolent angel.

When I sense or hear a limiting belief, I want to get curious about it.

Remember, beliefs are not facts. Beliefs can be explored.

They may feel like facts, but beliefs are mental judgments we made up at some point for a variety of reasons. They can be explored and released.

“There isn’t enough money for me” or “I’ll never find the perfect love” or “Sex is bad” are all beliefs.

None are real.

None can be proven by science.

None are universally agreed as true.

Those beliefs can be examined.

Many people can’t find their operating beliefs because they are living them as truths.

To explore a belief, you need to know the belief.

That’s why having an objective person help you can be priceless.

But one way to locate a belief is to ask yourself what a situation means.

In other words, I often say, “The meaning you give an event is the belief that attracted it.”

Think about that —

“The meaning you give an event is the belief that attracted it.”

When you feel stuck or have a problem, how do you describe it?

“I’ve always been this way.”

“This always happens to me.”

Your explanation of the event is most likely the belief that helped create it.

If you really feel you can’t locate the core belief, then just guess at it.

If you knew the belief behind the troubling circumstance, what might it be?

Take a guess.

Accept whatever comes as your starting point.

Now that you have the belief, or at least a belief to begin this process, you are ready to clear it.

But how?

My first question of any belief might be, “Do I believe it?”

After all, upon questioning, I might see that I really don’t believe it.

If I don’t, we can stop there.

But if I feel I do believe it, then the next question might be, “Why do I believe it?”

That question is searching for the evidence of the belief. That of course can be anything, from what I heard to what I saw.

I then want to go deeper and ask, “Do I believe the evidence?”

Again, I may answer no, I don’t, and I’m done.

But if I do believe it, I want to ask, “Why do I believe it?”

Again, we are digging deeper, looking for more reasons or stories for the belief.

At some point I might ask, “What would happen if I didn’t believe it?”

The result of all this questioning is freedom.

I’m the first to admit that doing this “Socratic Clearing” on your own is tough.

You can do it, but you’re stuck in the world of your own beliefs, questioning your own beliefs.

It’s like being in a hypnotic trance and trying to talk yourself out of your own trance.

It’s possible, but not easy.

Results will be faster if you actually work with a coach trained to help you get clear of your beliefs.

Of course, I created Miracles Coaching almost a decade ago to help you do just that.

You can learn more at Miracles Coaching.

Ao Akua


PS – My approach to questioning beliefs is different from what Barry Neil Kaufman, Mandy Evans, and others in their field practice. If you want to know more, please look for their books. If you want to go really deep, learn from the man credited with coming up with the process both Bears and Mandy use today: Bruce Di Marsico. There’s a three volume set of books based on his work that you might enjoy at  http://www.dialoguesinselfdiscovery.com/?p=stores&cat_id=1&product_id=10 There is also a warm book about Bruce Di Marsico called The Guru Next Door. See http://thegurunextdoor.com/ Of course, there are many other belief clearing methods around. One of my favorites is from Morty Lefkoe. See http://www.mortylefkoe.com/ And, for the record, the “person” who got me interested in beliefs at all, many decades ago, was Jane Roberts’ Seth. Jerry and Ether Hicks, of Abraham fame, took up the ball that Seth started, but (for me and many others) it all goes back to Seth.

PPS – This free new e-book can help you, too: http://www.theabundanceproject.com/book.php?linkid=428600

Member BBB 2003 - 2015

Member BBB 2003 - 2015