Tag: self help


When LOA Fails

I know you might be one of those people who feel like the Law of Attraction just doesn’t work for you.

I understand and I want to help.

So let’s begin…

Have you ever had one of those days where gravity wasn’t working for you?

Where you can’t seem to keep your feet planted on the ground and you wind up floating around in the atmosphere?

Of course not.

Why not?

Because gravity is a LAW.

It doesn’t work some days and not work other days.

It’s *always* working, and you are experiencing the effects of it all the time, at every moment.

Even right now.

But you probably never spilled a cup of coffee and said, “Darn that Law of Gravity!”

Instead, you realized it was your actions coupled with the existing law that caused the accident.

Well, the Law of Attraction is exactly the same.

It’s a LAW – not a feel-good principle or some kind of new-age voodoo flake-out.

You can’t “do” the Law of Attraction wrong.

It doesn’t turn off and on, like a light switch.

It’s not subject to fate or fancy.

It is a powerful but neutral force that is constantly operating.

Just like gravity.

And that means something extremely important –

It means that what you have right now (or don’t have right now) is – on some level – exactly what you want.

The good stuff and the bad stuff.

The abundance and the lack.

You’ve attracted all of it.



Because your conscious thoughts aren’t all there is.

Below the surface, a complex and deep-seated collection of beliefs are exerting an extremely powerful force in your life.

When these subconscious thoughts are in harmony with what you consciously intend, you attract it.

But if there are “counter-intentions” present within you – that is, thoughts and beliefs that run contrary to your conscious wishes – you will not achieve the results you want, no matter how much you want them on the surface.

Your conscious and subconscious need to be aligned to attract the results you prefer

Your conscious and subconscious need to be aligned to attract the results you prefer

This is not cause for blame or guilt.

After all, you weren’t aware of the unconscious beliefs working.

What this is all about is awakening.

I’m probably the only teacher in the movie The Secret that has stood my ground about this.

I’ve taken heat for it, too.

I feel like Freud when he introduced his idea of the unconscious mind in the late 1800s and was booed off stage.

He didn’t back down.

Neither have I.

So how do you get clear of those contrary beliefs within your unconscious mind?

How do you get rid of the inner roadblocks and go warp speed ahead, right to whatever it is you’re trying to achieve or attract?

It took me some time to figure out the answer to that question.

But once I did, it was as if all the limits in and around me shattered.

I thought life was good before – I had no idea it could be THIS good.

I thought I’d achieved a pretty high level of personal and professional success – but the success I experienced once I got clear absolutely blew me away.

I had finally discovered –

“The Missing Secret” that makes the Law of Attraction work the way you want it to – 100% of the time.

There are two ways you can learn this “Missing Secret.”

1 – Get my Nightingale-Conant bestselling audio program. http://www.nightingale.com/missing-secret.html

2. – Get in my famous Miracles Coaching program. http://www.MiraclesCoaching.com

Obviously, the coaching program will require a bigger investment, but the results will be dramatic and fast.

But I understand if you’d rather invest in the audios and listen and awaken at your own pace.

Either way, the choice is yours.

Which will you choose?

Ao Akua,


PS – Consider: If the Law of Attraction is already working but you aren’t seeing the results you want because you don’t understand it yet, how much more incredible will your life be once you use the Law with conscious intention and crystal clarity? As I often say, “Expect Miracles.”

Here’s your choice:

1 – Get my Nightingale-Conant bestselling audio program. http://www.nightingale.com/missing-secret.html

2. – Get in my famous Miracles Coaching program. http://www.MiraclesCoaching.com

Member BBB 2003 - 2016

Member BBB 2003 – 2016


Imaginotions: Part Five

The young woman awakened early, stirred by the flutter of a bird.

She went to her window and saw a bluejay sitting there.

“Good morning,” she said.

The bluejay seemed to wink.

She went to her mirror.

To her confusion, she saw nothing there.

She gasped.

“Why-Why…” she stammered, not sure what to say at her empty mirror.

“Have no fear,” a voice said from outside the window.

She spun around and looked at the window.

The bird was still there.

“Have no fear,” the bird repeated.

This was almost too much for the young woman.

No reflection in her mirror?

A bird that talks?

“Have no fear,” again said the bluejay.

“But I-I don’t understand!”

“Have no fear.”

“But I can’t see myself!” she exclaimed, getting panicky. “And you’re TALKING!”

“The nothingness you see in the mirror is the mirror of the real you,” said the bird.

“I am nothing?!”

“You are everything.”

“But I see nothing in the mirror!”

“Look again,” suggested the bird.

The young woman took a breath, calmed down a bit, and looked into her mirror.

Suddenly she realized all she saw in it was all she felt in her.

The mirror was her.

The mirror reflected all within and appeared without.

She slowly smiled.

“I think I understand,” she said, half to herself.

The bird smiled.

“But what about this business of a bluejay speaking?” she asked.

“Ah, but within the dream, all is possible.”


“Whatever you can imagine, and can believe, can be achieved.”

“You sound like Napoleon Hill,” the woman said, smiling.

“I can read, too,” said the bird.

“All things really are possible,” mused the woman.

“And now you may awaken,” said the bird.

Thus the bluejay ended the lesson for the day.

Ao Akua,


PS – You know what this means.

Still a bestseller!

Still a bestseller!

Member BBB 2003 - 2016

Member BBB 2003 - 2016


Why Give Now?

You’ve heard that it pays to give, haven’t you?

You’ve heard about tithing as a way to give thanks for what you have and to begin to attract more of what you want, correct?

You’ve heard the stories of famous millionaires and billionaires who give away staggering amounts of money, right?

Well, do YOU give?

Do you give ten percent of your income to the people and places that inspire you, nurture you, and keep you balanced?

Probably not.

I know because I was just like you.

I heard all the stories about giving as a way to receive.

I heard all the teachers and preachers tell me to give more and give often.

But I was “too smart” for that.

I “knew” it was all a scam to get my money.

But one day I awakened to a harsh insight:

The longer I stubbornly refused to give, the longer I remained in struggle.

“No one has ever become poor by giving.” ― Anne Frank

When I finally realized that if I can’t give a dollar out of my last ten bucks today, then I won’t be able to give a hundred thousand dollars out of my first million tomorrow.

It’s a form of self-sabotage to think otherwise.

People who convince themselves that they’ll give later, when they have more money and can “afford it,” are deceiving and deluding themselves.

It all begins now.


Today I give away everything from books to guitars to cars to cash.

You might think I do it because I’m wealthy.

The secret is giving

The secret is giving now

But I started doing it when I was working a job I didn’t like, getting paid just above minimum wage, and had stacks of bills just like you.

I started giving with what I could give.

As I gave, and prospered, I let my giving reflect my receiving.

And the more I gave, the more I received.

Today wealthy people – and not so wealthy people – are giving.

The big mistake most people make in giving is waiting.

The second big mistake they make is in where to give.

Here’s my thought on the matter:

Give now.

You have some money.

Take ten percent of it and give it away.

Don’t wait till you have more, as you are missing the prosperity of right now.


Give it to whoever or whatever gave you spiritual nourishment this past week.

That could be anyone or anything, from an Uber driver to a neighbor to a complete stranger who smiled and turned your day around.

But you have to start today and you have to give where you receive inspiration.

Why is this so important?

According to Edward Kramer, in his 1955 book, Pathways to Power:

“Clarence Howard, late head of Commonwealth Steel, used to say, ‘The hole you give through is the hole you receive through.'”

Dan Kennedy, marketing legend, often says it this way:

“The window you receive through is made bigger by how much you give.”

In other words, psychologically and metaphysically, the more you give, the more you open yourself to receive.

And don’t trick yourself into thinking because you helped a neighbor move a couch that you gave.

You gave muscle, but not money.

And don’t think because you took friends out to eat that you gave.

You bought dinner but you didn’t dish out money.

The law is specific: give ten percent or more of what you receive financially to where you received spiritual nourishment.

When you’re honest with yourself, you know who to give it to.

Do it.


One final thought:

Don’t worry about what the receiver does with what you give.

It doesn’t matter if they burn it, spend it, invest it, give it away, or anything else.

Your duty – if you want to attract more money – is to give now and give often and give where you received inspiration.

Why not do it right now?

Ao Akua,


PS – A decade or so ago I wrote a little book on this subject, titled The Greatest Money-Making Secret in History. I also explain this concept in my free book, Attract Money Now.

Member BBB 2003 - 2016

Member BBB 2003 - 2016


The Awakened Millionaire

Throughout history, only a few books shook people deep enough to trigger a new direction in humankind, creating new policies, new procedures, and sometimes even war.

Thomas Paine did it.

Rachel Carson did it.

Harriet Beecher Stowe did it.

According to the New York Public Library, here are 25 other books that did it:

Triggering a Movement

Triggering a Movement

As an author, I’ve always wanted to write a book that makes a difference; one that made a measurable transformation in the world itself.

Many say I’ve accomplished that with my bestselling books, The Attractor Factor and Zero Limits.

But I’ve wanted to do even more; I’ve wanted to do something on a scale so big, it would influence millions and actually elevate the planet.

Now, at long last, as humbly as I can, I can announce my magnum opus, the inspired new book of a long career –

“The Awakened Millionaire: A Manifesto for the Spiritual Wealth Movement.”

Available April 16th

Available April 16th

Not only have I written the first manifesto to blend wealth and spirit, but I’ve created a full online training program to help people integrate the key principles in the manifesto so they can live AS Awakened Millionaires.

I’m more than excited to share this with you, and I invite you to check out both and spread the message of the new revolution:

The manifesto in print, on audio, or for your Kindle reader will be available April 16th http://www.amazon.com/Awakened-Millionaire-Manifesto-Spiritual-Movement/dp/1119264162/

The Awakened Millionaire Academy (the full online training) will be available April 3rd http://awakenedmillionaireacademy.com/

You can leap ahead and get on the early notification list right now by going to the above links.

Together, we can make a difference.

Will you join me?

Expect Miracles.

Ao Akua,


Dr. Joe Vitale

Dr. Joe Vitale

PS – I intend to help 1,000,000 people become Awakened Millionaires. Learn more at http://awakenedmillionaireacademy.com/

Member BBB 2003 - 2016

Member BBB 2003 - 2016


Beware Invisible Monkeys

One night I was watching my favorite television show, Modern Family, when I heard a line so funny that I’m still laughing.

The daughter, attending a hi-tech college, said some genius students in a lab taught a monkey to play the saxophone.

She added, “We don’t know if the monkey is any good because all he plays is jazz.”

The joke reminded me of one of the principles in life I live by.

In short, beware of invisible monkeys.

I don’t mean monkeys in the world or in the zoo.

I don’t mean monkeys in science fiction or on television shows.

I mean monkeys in terms of what people try to pass to you when you aren’t alert or looking.

Beware in visible monkeys

Beware invisible monkeys

While the phrase “monkey on my back” refers to drug addiction, it’s also relevant in another way.

Let me explain:

Years ago I was reading the book Tell to Win by Peter Guber when he told a story I never forgot.

Guber was working with and for Jack Warner, the legendary founder of Warner Brothers, and complaining to the giant that all people did was bring him problems.

Warner gave him advice neither he or I have ever forgotten:

“You’re the zookeeper, and every single person that comes in the office comes with a monkey. That monkey is their problem. They’re trying to leave it with you. Your job is to discover where the monkey is. They’ll hide it, or dress it up, but remember you’re the zookeeper…Think of that visually. Make them all take their monkey problems away and come back with a solution.”

I love that.

I became more aware of all the people who write, call, email, visit or want to see me – and the invisible “monkeys” they try to leave with me.

They want me to solve their problem, finish their business, handle their challenges, or in some other way do something for them that they themselves can’t or won’t do.

In short, they are trying to pass off a monkey.

It’s the same for you.

People often call you, visit you, ask to meet with you, to do one thing: give their monkey to you.

If it’s your job to accept monkeys, so be it.

But most of the time the “monkeys” we get offered are simply other people’s problems. They are trying to get us to fix them. So they come to us to “drop off” their monkey.

I don’t argue that sometimes people need help. Lord knows I’ve been there.

But way too often people are shirking their own duties and responsibilities and passing their invisible monkey to you, hoping you will deal with it.

You then have the proverbial “monkey on your back.”

The way around this is to be alert.

Watch for the invisible monkey.

It may be disguised as a compliment, or a gift.

It may be called a domesticated monkey who won’t be a real problem and they are asking you to care for it.

It may be presented as something good or good for you.

As long as you can see the monkey, and know it is being offered to you and you don’t have to accept it, then you are at choice.

You are free to accept the monkey or return it to its current owner for them to deal with.

You are then monkey proof.

I wrote a song on my last singer-songwriter album that conveys this message.

“The Hook” is a reminder to not take the “monkey/hook” that is offered to you throughout the day.

Latest singer-songwriter album

Latest singer-songwriter album

Someone says something mean and your tendency will be to “take the hook” and get mad.

Someone pulls out in front of you in traffic and you’ll be tempted to react to “the hook” and do or say something nasty.

But you don’t have to take the hook or the monkey.

As long as you are aware, you can stay neutral.

You can remain at peace.

I love monkeys, I just don’t want one on my back – even if he can play the saxophone.

Ao Akua,


PS- You can watch a music video based on my song “The Hook,” off my bestselling One More Day album, right here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=27m7Qcxcul4

Member BBB 2003 - 2016

Member BBB 2003 - 2016