Joe Vitale’s Miracles Coaching® Program


What’s Miracles Coaching®?

How does it work?

What can you expect from it?

I interviewed my top Miracles Coach, Janeen Detrick, just for you. Janeen is the 2009 coach of the year. She has a wealth of knowledge and insight that she uses to help clients achieve their goals and objectives.

In this inspiring and exciting podcast, Janeen discusses her approach to Miracles Coaching® and highlights some of the most common goals that she’s helping her clients achieve. In addition, she provides some powerful techniques that you can use immediately to help improve your life. This is a quick 45 minutes that could have a very positive impact on helping you better achieve your dreams.

My Miracles Coaching® program has helped countless clients achieve their personal dreams. This custom Program allows clients to better identify bocks and counter intentions as well as develop a personalized strategy to eliminate these barriers once and for all! Many of the results have been miraculous.

Note: for more information on the program go to:

Enjoy the podcast.



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